Have you heard of these? 8 very unusual houseplants

At the words "indoor plants", first of all, violets, ficuses, geraniums and other popular flowers are presented. Today you can decorate your home not only with classic specimens, but also with much rarer plants.

Stapelia variegated

One of the most original houseplants that coincidentally doesn't require much maintenance. A succulent plant with tetrahedral fleshy stems and a bright star-shaped flower looks very exotic and can decorate every home. The colorful motley slipway has only one drawback - the aroma. The putrid smell emitted by a flower is misleading and discouraging, because you do not expect this from a seemingly harmless plant.

The stapelia are low, maximum 20 cm, an adult bush looks neat, does not require any support or garter. Single flowers, in comparison with the general size, are simply huge and reach 15 cm in diameter. Their color fully explains the name, flowers in the shape of a star are variegated, dotted with small spots from dark purple to brown.

This exotic plant is quite suitable for beginners, caring for it involves only watering as the soil dries and properly selected lighting. Even a transplant more than once in a lifetime will not be required. Despite its African origin, direct sunlight can cause burns on the branches of the slipway; bright but diffused light is ideal for it. The ideal growth temperature is from 20 to 26 degrees, and in winter 15, only in this case the plant will bloom.

Cactus ariocarpus

A cactus, completely devoid of needles, looks more like a gray-green stone than a plant. A flower that cuts off its crown, which appears at the top with proper care. More than 80% of the root, which is shaped like a turnip, is very juicy and allows the cactus to survive in difficult drought conditions. The flowering period falls in September, when the rainy season ends in the homeland of Ariocarpus, the flowers are large, from pale pink to fuchsia. The duration of this striking process is only a few days.

Ariocarpus care is not too difficult. A prerequisite is soil with pebbles, sea sand or small pebbles to avoid root rot. In summer, the plant can be placed on a sunny windowsill, and in winter it can be hidden in the shade for relaxation. Watering is required only in extreme heat, when the earthen clod is completely dry.

Corkscrew grass

The name of this exotic plant fully explains its appearance. Evergreen spiral branches are versatile, they can decorate a composition in a pot and grow just as well in a flowerpot with water without soil at all.

Elastic stems up to 50 cm in height are completely devoid of leaves, but during the flowering period they are covered with small flowers. The main condition for healthy growth of corkscrew grass is regular watering and moisturizing with a spray bottle.

Haworthia Cooper

For those who want to decorate their home with the most unusual colors, Cooper's Haworthia is a great option. The most exotic thing about this plant is the leaves, they are transparent and seem to glow. The homeland of the flower is Africa, which speaks of its ability to adapt even to severe drought conditions.

Haworthia feels great on the windowsills of the south side of the building, but in direct sunlight it is better to cover it a little to avoid burns. The plant requires spraying, moistening and even top dressing; for successful growth, it is enough just to water it twice a month.


An exotic and very unusual plant. All curled at a height of a few centimeters from the soil grow from one rhizome, which makes it resemble the head of Medusa the Gorgon. Among the undemanding succulents, Trachyandra has quite strict requirements for growing conditions.

It can be watered no more than twice a week and only with settled water; in winter, the frequency is reduced to twice a month. If there is insufficient ventilation, the leaves can unwind and the plant will die. Transplanting into fresh soil and a pot of the same size is required every 3-4 years.


Living stones that bloom with bright colors are one of the most unusual plants suitable for home growing. The entire ground part of the leaf is two thick, fleshy stems, between which a peduncle and new shoots appear.

In nature, 37 of its species are known and almost all of them can grow successfully at home. Lithops tolerate drought and direct sunlight well. Watering is the most moderate, only when the soil is completely dry, otherwise the plant may die.

Crassula Umbella

The fat woman, which almost disappeared in nature and was listed in the Red Book. Thanks to the works of flower growers, the extinction of the krasulla is no longer threatened, it settled in people's houses and, due to its unpretentious care, successfully took root.

The plant consists of dense, fleshy leaves, shaped like a bowl, in the center of which a peduncle appears, dotted with small red flowers. Crassula umbella is not only beautiful, but also useful. Like aloe and Kalanchoe, it purifies the air and is used to treat sunburn, insect bites, sore throats, arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. Crassula is not taken internally, its juice is poisonous to humans and animals.

Rowley's Cross

Long shoots, dotted with small emerald balls, resemble pearl threads descending from a pot. The flower will be an excellent decoration for hanging pots and compositions at height. The reason for this method of placement is not only in the peculiarities of growth, but also in the toxicity of the flower, contact with which is dangerous for children and animals.

The cross does not require difficult conditions in the care, the top moistening is not needed at all, and watering is carried out only as the soil dries completely.

Unusual succulents will help diversify the usual green compositions in the house, and their simplicity in care will suit even those who have no time to take care of flowers.

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1 comment

    1. AvatarGalina

      There is an odorless grade of Stapelia! The flowers are burgundy, no more than 2 ruble coins.

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