No air purifier needed: 10 houseplants to cleanse your home

Houseplants make any home more comfortable and attractive, give aesthetic pleasure and a charge of positive energy. At the same time, they have useful properties that improve the air quality in homes, offices and apartments.


Homemade varieties of blooming chrysanthemums bring beauty, pleasant and joyful mood. At the same time, they collect many toxic substances from the air, reducing their concentration, and also absorb dust microparticles.


A productive air cleaner among a wide variety of ficuses is Benjamin Ficus. It is a medium-sized shrub with a lush crown, which is formed by numerous glossy small oval-shaped leaves. It has filtering properties, eliminates various harmful impurities, toxins and toxic elements that enter the air from household items.

Ficus works wonderfully to cleanse the air atmosphere from all kinds of odors and improves its composition, being a source of oxygen.


One of the most popular herbaceous succulents, aloe, combines decorative, medicinal and purifying properties. The plant copes with formaldehyde pollution of the home atmosphere, completely destroying these toxic substances. Aloe produces increased oxygen at night, which helps to improve indoor air quality.


It is a common palm-like houseplant with a dense rosette of narrow, smooth leaves, with a monochromatic or striped color and a bare trunk at the bottom.

It has the ability to pick up unfavorable substances from the air that enter the house from exhaust gases from the street with open windows. Dracaena purifies and humidifies indoor air, creating a comfortable and healthy climate.


Blooming home gerbera with star-shaped, double or smooth, large flowers of various shades removes trichlorethylene and formaldehyde from the air, which are part of varnishes, paints and glue, perfectly cleans oxygen from harmful impurities. It deals best with benzene.


This is an unpretentious perennial with original erect foliage, which has a dark green color with vertical or transverse stripes, popularly nicknamed "mother-in-law's tongue", "pike tail". Sansevieria is considered one of the most powerful air purifiers among indoor plants.

It combats common air pollutants such as trichlorethylene, formaldehyde, benzene and nitrogen oxides and absorbs electromagnetic radiation from household appliances. It also helps to free the house from harmful substances contained in cleaning and detergents. In return, the plant releases large amounts of oxygen and phytoncides.


A rich green plant, Scindapsus, is a climbing vine with shiny, heart-shaped leaves. It belongs to filter plants due to its ability to heal the air space of rooms and offices by absorbing vapors of formaldehyde and benzene.

It is recommended to place the scindapsus in places where synthetic finishing materials or furniture made with harmful particle boards are used. But for all its benefits, this plant contains poisonous substances, so it should be kept away from children and pets in order to prevent possible poisoning.


This attractive indoor flower features glossy, dark green foliage in a rosette rosette and an extraordinary cob-shaped inflorescence wrapped in a white blanket.

It neutralizes mold spores and harmful compounds in the air, fights wonderfully against trichlorethylene, toluene, benzene and xylene. For greater productivity of the sanitary properties of spathiphyllum, it is necessary to regularly remove dust from its leaf part.


This plant is a perennial herb with narrow, hanging down leaves, with light or cream stripes on a dark green surface. Due to its splendor and spreading, chlorophytum emits a large amount of oxygen, thereby helping to cleanse the air from carbon monoxide, reducing the content of benzene, xylene and formaldehyde impurities in it.

The plant also copes with substances that emit household chemicals. Chlorophytum also absorbs acetone, nitrogen, ammonia, while spreading biologically active trace elements that kill pathogenic bacteria in the indoor atmosphere.


The house plant Kalanchoe, characterized by dense, jagged, triangular leaves with many small leaf buds at the edges, has a strong healing effect. Located on the windowsill, it exudes phytoncides, purifying the room air from harmful microorganisms. The plant saturates the atmosphere with oxygen around the clock, and its unobtrusive aroma helps to get rid of unwanted impurities and odors.

With the help of indoor plants with cleansing and bactericidal properties, you can create a comfortable and favorable climate in your own home.

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