What is important to do with orange jasmine so that it blooms frequently

Orange jasmine has a citrus scent. At home, you can grow the Merheul variety, whose growth is more than 1 m. But it is not always possible to see how an orange tree blooms, so there are 4 useful tips for growing a plant.

Orange jasmine


All citrus fruits love hydration. Therefore, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. If the soil, taken from a depth of 5-10 cm, does not roll into a ball, you need to water it.

In the summer, the orange tree needs to be moistened every day, and in the winter - once every 5-10 days. Use only settled water, the temperature of which is + 25 ... + 30 ° С.

The plant may not show signs of lack of moisture for a long time. Only under the condition of critical dehydration, its leaves lose their elasticity and fall. In this case, it will no longer be possible to save the tree.


In early spring, to activate the growth of the bush, it must be cut. After that, additional side branches will form, on which fragrant flowers will appear and bloom after a while. The bush itself will become lush and beautiful.

You need to prune in early to mid-March. All the shoots that are on the bush must be shortened by 40-60%. If there are poorly developed, damaged and dry branches, then they must be removed completely.

In order for a young bush to develop better, its shoots must be pinched from spring to autumn every month. The length of the branches should not exceed 50-60 cm.


In order for orange jasmine to please with lush and long flowering, you need to remove the buds for the first 2-3 years. This will allow the tree to gain strength and strength.


Young plants need to be pruned every year, over 5 years old - once every 3 years, old crops - every 6-7 years.

At the flower shop, orange jasmine is sold in a pot filled with peat. After buying a tree, you need to move it to nutritious soil. For these purposes, it is necessary to combine clay-sheet soil and peat in a 3: 1 ratio. The new container should be 2-3 cm larger than the old one.

To ensure proper care, you need to know the characteristics of the variety.

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    1. AvatarOleg

      There is jasmine.
      There is an orange.
      There is no orange jasmine.

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