How to rejuvenate a flower "male happiness" that has lost its appearance

Anthuriummale force” — nice, spectacular flower from dark leaves and beautiful flowering. He requires to yourself special attention, therefore not all succeeds observe all conditions his cultivation. If a You noticed, what at flower bare stem in bottom parts, curl up and fall off leaves, means, violated regulations leaving.

Trimming the top of Anthurium

First you need to carefully inspect roots. Healthy are considered white and fleshy, blackened or yellowed delete. Sprinkle damaged places shredded activated coal.

Trim flower at ground level, leave stump from roots and drop off in new primingsuitable for the given species. Across month is he will give new sprouts of old root.

Rooting a cutting with moss

Anthurium belongs to the group epiphytes, in nature releases air roots and clings per more large plants. If a take a closer look, then at the bottom trunk see thin white strings - air roots.

Buy moss (sphagnum), wet his warm water and wrap bottom part stem. Put flower in warm a place and provide a long daylight hours.

Across 2 weeks see, what roots have grown... Then you need tosabotage flower on level land, not removing moss, drop off in new pot from prepared soil.

Planting the tops in a separate pot

If a had to delete all roots, there is one more way save plant. Apical part plants put in water... She must be soft, without salts calcium. Across month will appear new roots.

Not hurry up plant in pot, give roots grow up, so that they typed force and kept plant.
Cropping can be done higher surfaces land, nfor example, if a stem withered half or plant too high.

Trim need to, leaving 2-3 points growth from tops before lines trimming. Put in water in warm a place and to wait appearance roots.

Soaking sprouts in water

When plant dies, at him start faster grow lateral escapes. If a already not save roots or part trunk, then take some lateral offshoots, at which visible air roots. Carefully separate from trunk, put in water and wait, until roots not grow back enough for Togo, so that their transplant in priming.

After transplanting, provide the plant with at least 12 hours of daylight. Water only when the topsoil dries. Then Anthurium will not only come to life, but also delight you with beautiful flowers.

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