How to properly transplant anthurium at home?

Anthurium transplant rulesSuch a beautiful flower as anthurium is often compared to flamingos, emphasizing its graceful inflorescences, located on long peduncles. In addition to flowering varieties, there are also decorative forms of this plant with original leaves. In its homeland, in South America, anthurium grows on the branches, roots of trees and below, under the crowns.

At home, this flower does not have the opportunity to lead such a lifestyle, but they are kept on window sills in pots. To achieve a spectacular flowering, the plant must be carefully looked after, as well as periodically replanted. So how to transplant anthurium correctly and without prejudice to it?

Reasons and methods of transplant

Most often anthurium it is recommended to transplant for the following reasons:

  • filling with roots of an earthen coma and cramped old pot;
  • improperly selected soil, which negatively affected the condition of the plant;
  • diseases of the root system and the formation of rot on it.

Depending on the reason, transplanting a plant at home should be carried out by transferring it into a new pot with the renewal of the substrate, or the flower is transferred, having previously cleared it of the old soil.

Transfer due to lack of free space

Anthurium transplant due to the appearance of pestsIf thick roots appear from the drainage holes and above the surface of the soil, the anthurium must be transplanted. Inside the container, the plant already not enough free space, as a result of which the roots begin to emerge, seeking to obtain moisture and nutrition from the air.

So that the root system is not damaged during transplantation, before this, the flower should be watered abundantly. This makes the soil softer and makes it easier to remove the earthy clod from the pot. If the container is plastic, you can tap it lightly on the edge of the table. After that, the anthurium is taken out, the roots are carefully examined and transplanted into a new pot.

The container should be chosen so that it is not much wider than the previous one. It is best if her the height will be equal to the diameter... If the pot is too wide, it will take a long time to wait for the plant to bloom. Until the root system grows into new soil, flower buds will not form.

When replanting anthurium, it is necessary to place an earthen lump braided by roots in the center of the pot, and the resulting gaps on the sides are filled with fresh soil, which is slightly compacted, trying not to accidentally touch the rhizomes. The top layer should also be renewed and, if necessary, watered, after which the soil surface is covered with sphagnum to retain moisture.

After transplantation, anthurium at home acclimatizes quickly enough and after a while you can expect the appearance of new leaves and inflorescences.

Transplant due to improperly selected soil

If the florist will be wrong with the choice of soil, then very soon it will be reflected in the plant itself:

  • his health will be undermined;
  • growth will stop;
  • decorativeness will disappear.

That is why anthurium should be transplanted into new soil.

It must be remembered that such a flower feels good only in a very light and loose substrate, therefore the ideal soil is one that easily passes water and oxygen.In this case, the roots easily penetrate the soil, receiving plenty of water and nutrition.

There are many recipes for preparing anthurium potting mix. Can be used already ready-made mixture for orchids, to which are added crushed charcoal and a small amount of sod land. Often for anthuriums it is recommended to mix peat, crushed sphagnum and coconut fiber in equal parts. You can also purchase a ready-made specialized substrate for such flowers.

If it is difficult to find certain components, the upper soil layer from the coniferous forest is used to transplant this plant. Before use, such natural raw materials must be thoroughly disinfected in order to exclude the possibility of contamination of anthurium by fungi and soil pests.

Transplant due to emerging diseases

How to transplant anthurium correctlyIt happens that:

  • spots appear on the leaves and stems;
  • foliage began to fade;
  • cessation of flowering and growth retardation.

If even after watering the anthurium could not restore its former attractiveness, it is necessary urgently transplant it... The plant may also suffer from an excess of moisture in the soil or, conversely, as well as from too dense soil and the invasion of various pests.

Before transplanting a flower at home, it should be watered and then removed from the pot. The old soil must be cleaned off, protecting the root system and examining it. If the roots are rotten or damaged, such areas should be carefully trimmed to a healthy white tissue, and the sections are treated with activated charcoal or charcoal powder.

Dry leaves or leaves that have lost their appearance should also be removed, and the inflorescences are cut off along with the peduncles. This is in order to reduce the stress on the weakened plant, and it will more quickly overcome the shock associated with transplanting. A flower with traces of rot, for insurance should be treated with fungicide.

After transplanting an anthurium that has had root rot, late blight or other diseases, it is necessary to monitor its condition and, if necessary, re-process the root system, crown and soil.

Anthurium transplant after purchase

Reproduction of anthuriumAfter this plant was purchased in the store, it must be transplanted immediately. This is explained by the fact that flowers for sale are grown in pots with a small amount coconut or peat substrate, which is filled with fertilizers of prolonged action.

In this case, the supply of food to the anthurium is only enough for two months. After the flower gets to home conditions, its last strength is already beginning to run out. Therefore, if it is not transplanted into fresh soil after purchase, the anthurium may die.

First, all peduncles are cut off from the plant in order to facilitate its acclimatization after transplantation, then they are removed from the pot and transferred to nutritious full-fledged soil.


For a transplanted flower, it is necessary take care ofso that he gains strength and delights with his magnificent flowers.

Anthurium should not be watered until the top layer of the substrate dries out under it. It is not necessary to arrange drafts and protect from direct sunlight. Since fresh soil contains all the necessary nutrients, fertilizing is carried out only after 2 - 3 months. If this is done earlier than the specified time, mineral and organic substances trapped in the soil can cause burns to damaged tissues, which will cause severe discomfort to the flower.

Thus, we found out what the anthurium flower is, a transplant at home of which is extremely necessary, especially if the plant was bought in a specialized store. Planted in fresh soil, after a while it is quite capable of delighting with its beautiful flowers.

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