8 beautiful ampelous plants for a balcony or windowsill

Ampel flowers can become an original decoration of the balcony. They not only improve its appearance, but also create a pleasant shadow. The choice of ornamental plants suitable for growing on a balcony or windowsill is huge, but more often unpretentious varieties are preferred.


Many people know this plant as geranium. There are many varieties of this flower, but ampel varieties are most often grown on the balcony.

The advantage of this plant is that it not only loves bright light, but also responds well to exposure to direct sunlight. In addition, it normally tolerates a lack of moisture and sudden temperature changes.

Varieties of ampelous pelargoniums are distinguished by a wide selection of inflorescence shades. This fact, in combination with unpretentiousness, makes this plant one of the best for growing in urban conditions.


Another popular ampelous flowering plant. The inflorescences are white, bright red and purple. There are simple and double varieties. This variety allows you to create original flower arrangements.

Pelargonium is unpretentious in leaving. It tolerates the lack of watering well, does not suffer from temperature changes and blooms profusely even without additional fertilizing. However, it should be borne in mind that most varieties do not smell very good.


If the balcony faces the sunny side, unpretentious verbena will help to decorate it. Its stems reach 60 cm in length, so most often the culture is grown in hanging pots.

A distinctive feature is openwork foliage and compact bright inflorescences. You can grow a plant by seed and seedlings, but if you want to achieve flowering in the current year, it is better to plant the culture with seedlings.


Lobelia is often called the flower for lazy gardeners. The stems of the plant reach a length of 50 cm. They are covered with numerous small leaves. The inflorescences are most often blue or blue, but there are varieties with purple, white and purple flowers.

Lobelia does not require special care, but when planting, attention is paid to the composition of the soil. It should be loose and nutritious, but free of fresh compost or humus. It is better to grow a plant on the balcony using the seedling method, but direct sowing of seeds into containers is also allowed.

In the latter case, the container is first covered with a film, and after the appearance of young shoots, the shelter is removed. Fortified seedlings are thinned out and watered as needed. Since lobelia quickly grows green mass, when sowing seeds in May, the culture will begin to bloom in mid-summer.


This perennial ampelous plant is considered one of the best for decorating balconies and window sills.

The culture is grown by the seedling method. The container is selected large enough, since begonia grows quickly. It should be borne in mind that intense exposure to direct sunlight negatively affects flowering, so begonia pots are more suitable for southeastern or southwestern window sills.


The original appearance of the plant explains its popularity among flower growers. The inflorescences are not erect, but hanging and resemble bells in shape. Ampel varieties have inflorescences only of white or purple hue.

Fuchsia has a long flowering period. It begins in May and continues until the first autumn frosts. The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight very well, so it must be shaded.

At the same time, fuchsia loves moisture. It is watered abundantly, especially on hot days, but with the arrival of autumn, the frequency and intensity gradually decrease.


The second name of the plant is “silvery waterfall”. This popular name very clearly reflects the appearance of the culture. Dichondra has long and thin hanging shoots covered with small leaves. They have an original gray color.

Dichondra is easy to grow. It belongs to ornamental green crops, and successfully grows green mass both in the sun and in partial shade. Prefers moist loamy soil. To preserve its decorative effect, the culture needs abundant watering in the morning and evening.


Ampel Bacopa is a relatively new plant for domestic gardeners. Due to its unpretentiousness and long flowering, it is often used for landscaping balconies and open terraces.

Bacopa has long drooping shoots that eventually become covered with small white, blue or pink flowers. The culture tolerates temperature changes normally, does not need fertilizers. Blooms profusely in the sun and partial shade, but needs daily watering.

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