8 beautiful plants that even a child can take care of

It is difficult in our time to imagine a residential building (apartment) where there are no house plants. Many housewives enjoy caring for them - watering, replanting, even talking to flowers. Among them there are plants that are quite unpretentious to care for.

Dracaena Sander

Hardy and unpretentious in the care and cultivation of pseudo-bamboo - it is also called "bamboo of happiness." The Dracaena Sander plant can be grown both in the ground and in the water. Leaving is minimal - feeding, watering and sometimes replanting. A large pot is required - this flower loves space - and diffused lighting is needed (the plant will die under direct rays). Humidity in the room, drafts, frequent airing the flower takes out easily, is not afraid of stagnant water.

To maintain its beauty and appearance, the leaves of the plant must be wiped with a damp sponge. It is often not necessary to feed the "bamboo of happiness" either; it is enough to do it once a month. Crown formation, pruning, too, tolerates painlessly, wonderfully takes root in a new place.


Florists appreciate this plant for its beauty, ease of care, and unpretentiousness. The home flower loves light, it is advisable to place it on the south side (but without direct sunlight hitting it). Feels comfortable both with normal and high humidity. Small fluctuations in temperature are acceptable. Watering is done with water at room temperature and systematic, but moderate. Top dressing - any universal fertilizer for home flowers.


Kalanchoe is a hardy plant, caring for it is so simple that even a beginner grower can do it. In the summer it must be shaded, and in the winter it must be additionally illuminated. The flower must be watered regularly. Kalanchoe can easily "put up" with a lack of moisture, but is sensitive to a large amount of water. The flower is indifferent to the humidity of the air, any soil and top dressing are suitable (drainage is required). You need to transplant if necessary, for example, if the pot has become small.

Pakhira water

One of the first places among amateur florists is Pakhira vodnaya. Classic appearance, strict silhouette, large size - this distinguishes it from other houseplants. The temperature regime is any room temperature, but if the temperature is higher or lower than normal, the plant easily adapts to this. Watering, feeding for Pakhira is not often required, crown formation is not necessary, this plant is also transplanted only as needed.

The only thing you need to be careful about is lighting. There are strict requirements here - either the location must be sunny or diffused bright light (for this flower, direct sunlight and even a slight partial shade are both dangerous at the same time).


An extraordinary house plant with maple leaves and flowers that look like lanterns. The colors are varied - red, pink, purple, peach and others. Despite its impressive appearance, the plant does not require exceptional care, and blooms almost all year round.

The recommended air temperature is from 13 to 25 degrees. High humidity is desirable, but if it is impossible to comply with this point, you can often spray the flower. The lighting should be bright, watering during the flowering period - frequent, and in winter - moderate.The soil is bought ready-made, and top dressing should be carried out a couple of times a month.


A plant like Zamioculcas is easy to grow at home. The conditions must be met:

  • temperature in winter - about + 16 degrees, in summer - up to + 28;
  • diffused bright light;
  • frequent watering: in summer - up to 2 times a week + moderate moisture, in winter - once every 15 days;
  • feeding only during the growing season - once a week;
  • the soil must be loose and drained;
  • air humidity - does not matter.

In caring for this plant, the main thing is to prevent overflow of water, to protect it from drafts and temperature changes.


This plant grows actively and feels great only in bright light and room temperature. It tolerates dry air wonderfully. It is better to choose a soil for it with a sand content, light and loose. During the flowering period, it is watered moderately, but regularly; during the rest period, the number of watering is reduced, but gradually. This flower is transplanted only as needed, and fed once a year with fertilizer for cacti.


One of the most popular indoor plants is Begonia. Caring for this flower will require certain skills, but not difficult.

Light for Begonia should be bright, but diffused. Temperature - from +18 to +26 degrees. The room must be ventilated, but drafts must be avoided. It is better to use loose soil, drainage should work properly, and watering should be moderate. Subject to these conditions, the flower will delight you for a long time.

There are many unpretentious houseplants. But all of them, one way or another, require some attention to themselves. With proper care, the flowers will delight the owner with their beauty.

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