10 anti-stress plants to put on your desktop

Office work requires constant concentration of attention. This is facilitated by healthy sleep, proper nutrition, and - don't be surprised - the presence of indoor plants on your desktop. Many of them can improve indoor air, relieve headaches and improve mood.


This plant is able to improve mood with just its appearance. The fact is that physalis has fruits of a bright rich orange color. In addition, it is able to relieve insomnia and depression.

To improve the effect, this orange flower is recommended to fit into the interior of neutral tones, such as gray, white or beige. In this case, physalis will become a bright accent color.


This plant is a natural antidepressant. The essential oils secreted by lavender flowers can relieve headaches and insomnia. The soothing properties are retained in dry flowers.


Geranium scent provides peace of mind and reduces anxiety. The flowers of this plant secrete essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. They can reduce stress levels. This plant is suitable even for those who may forget to water it in time.


The ancient Egyptians called this plant "the plant of immortality". They believed that it was able to drive away evil spirits.

Aloe cleans the air from harmful substances. The plant is quite active in the dark. At night, aloe enriches the air in the room with oxygen, making it easier for a person to sleep and wake up in such a room. In addition, the flower helps to improve memory and reduce the manifestation of depression.


This plant is loved for its delicate aroma. It has a beneficial effect on the psychological health of a person - it helps to reduce anxiety levels and improve the quality of sleep.


The aroma of this plant not only soothes, but also improves mood, productivity, and also has a beneficial effect on memory. Placing peppermint on your desktop can solve the problem of insomnia and constant fatigue. The essential oils of the plant are able to eliminate anxiety and improve appetite.

Another benefit of keeping peppermint on your worktable is that you always have fresh leaves to use to make soothing cocktails.


Rosemary can improve indoor air quality as it absorbs all harmful substances from it. In addition, the plant improves memory, relieves fatigue, fear and improves sleep. A similar effect is achieved due to the fact that the aroma and essential oil of rosemary, entering the body, reduces the level of cortisol in the blood.


Basil leaves are high in linool, an organic compound that has a calming effect. This is the reason for the beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The plant is suitable as a decoration for small spaces. For more spacious rooms, you can choose a kind of basil in the form of a small tree.

rose flower

Brief rose contemplation sessions can help reduce stress and improve mood.

For installation on a desktop, it is recommended to choose decorative varieties that can be planted in a clay pot with a rough texture.


Oregano is better known as oregano. This plant is beneficial to eat because it contains caffeic acid and carvacrol, which can fight the manifestations of depression, feelings of constant fatigue and anxiety. In addition, these substances have antimicrobial and anticancer effects.

Even a small pot with one of these plants can cheer you up, for which it is enough to look at it. On gray winter days, flowers will remind you of summer days, cheer you up and have a beneficial effect on health.

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