8 reasons why indoor plants haven't bloomed for years

Indoor plants always delight us with their beauty. But with improper care, a new flower does not sprout and does not open its buds. Therefore, it is important to know the main rules for caring for home flowers.

Flower on the windowsill

Bad light

The first thing to pay attention to is lighting. There are not many flowers that love the north side and lack of light. You can often find plants that are located in the center of the hall or in the corner of the room, where the sun's rays simply do not fall. Or another option: you live in a region that, in principle, has little sun. Then there is only one way out - fluorescent lamps. Even this kind of lighting will be enough for your flower to bloom. But remember about the length of daylight hours - 10-12 hours.

Wrong soil

When planting a plant, it is important to consider the acidity of the soil (pH). Each flower has its own needs - someone needs a slightly acidic soil, and some species prefer acidic. Even a sluggish bloom can indicate inappropriate acidity. If your plant likes acidic soil, citric acid can be added when watering.

After a year, the soil becomes alkalized. Even if you are sure that the soil was of suitable acidity before planting, it is worth re-checking this.

Incorrect transplant

Pay attention to the house of your flower. When transplanting into a pot that is too spacious, there is a risk that the plant will throw all its forces into the root system, and then into the tops. A pot that is too tight can also cause a lack of flowers.

When transplanting, pay due attention to the roots. Even small damage to them can lead to a long break in flowering, and sometimes even the death of the plant itself.

Remember that each species has its own characteristics of transplant until the time of year in which they can be transplanted. Failure to comply with these rules will serve as a violation of the well-being of your flower.

Long stay in the same soil leads to mineral starvation.

Excessively dry air

Our plants often stand on windowsills near batteries. This means that the air around them is dry enough. You can save the plant by spraying away from the battery and using a wet tray with pebbles. You can also help your flower with a humidifier.

Dry air contributes to the appearance of spider mites.

Violation of feeding

The owners sometimes forget that the plant needs feeding, again depending on the period and season. A potassium-phosphorus diet is recommended for flowering plants. But it also happens that the flower is simply overfed, therefore it does not bloom. Elevated nitrogen is a common problem in indoor plants.

No rest period

Almost all plants need a dormant period. Special care is essential at this time. Each plant has its own recommendations: a darkened place or strong lighting, occasional watering or dry maintenance, coolness or warmth. During dormancy, the plant lays flower buds to delight you with its beauty. Therefore, it is so important to give the flower a rest.


Even with the appearance of pests, the plant can bloom, but subsequently its flowers will quickly wither or simply disappear at the bud stage. When purchasing a new plant, be sure to quarantine it (separately from others). In your arsenal you should always have a fitoverm and an aktara to save your pets.

Incorrect cropping

There are several types of plant pruning. Therefore, before pruning, collect the necessary information and decide which species suits your flower. Use sharp and clean instruments and disinfect the cut sites.

If the plant is not sprouting, you may be simply pruning it off with the next pruning. Do not transplant and prune at the same time. It is better to transplant the plant and give it time to adapt, and then carry out the procedure.

The main rule when caring for home flowers is to follow the recommendations for each specific species. The plant will delight you if you provide it with proper care.

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