Many domestic gardeners can boast of the presence of such an ornamental plant as petunia on their site. First of all, she is loved because of the brightness of her buds.
Therefore, seeing this beautiful plant, many housewives have a strong desire to plant such beauty in the garden, in the courtyard, as well as on the balcony, in order to enjoy the curly bright lights.
Features of growing petunias
It will not be easy to get the opportunity to enjoy the sight of a blooming petunia, because even with all its beauty, it requires a lot of effort to care for it. It will be especially difficult for those gardeners who decide to plant petunia on their own.
In this case, they will not hurt at first. get acquainted with the peculiarities of growing seedlings before transplanting into open ground. Then, afterwards, caring for adult plants will not be so difficult, and they are more likely to enjoy the beauty of blossoming buds.
Gardeners who have some experience in growing petunias know that during the growing season, plants you need to constantly feed.
Fertilizers are needed:
- seeds when they are just sown in the soil substrate;
- the soil in which it is planned to plant petunia;
- young seedlings;
- mature plants at the flowering stage.
If you regularly feed using suitable fertilizers, then petunia will "thank" you with beautiful flowers throughout the spring-summer period.
Required conditions for growing petunias
It doesn't really matter when exactly to germinate petunia seeds. This can be done in winter, as well as in the first days of spring.
However, it must be borne in mind that the chosen time will affect how soon the petunia buds will bloom.
Based on the experience of gardeners, the quality of flowering depends on a number of factors:
- the availability of a suitable soil mixture for planting;
- seeds that must be of high quality and productive;
- compliance with the optimal irrigation regime;
- the type of fertilizer used to be applied throughout the growing season.
An important point when growing petunias is that you need to sow seeds in a special substrate, which can be purchased in advance in a gardening store.
A similar mixture is the most appropriateas it contains essential minerals. But still, it is possible to provide it with nutrients only by applying fertilizers.
An important success factor for growing petunias is use of substrate, which must contain the required amount of peat. It will make the soil light enough for the root system to grow well. After all, it is on her that the plant spends all its strength.
It depends on the soil how healthy and strong the shoots will grow. Before transplanting young petunia seedlings to a permanent place, it must be processed weak manganese solution or a fungicide.As a result of this operation, plants will acquire increased resistance to pathogenic microbes.
Fertilizing petunias
For those who are going to grow petunias on their own, it will not hurt to get acquainted with the fertilizers that must be used for seedlings.
Feeding, for example, potassium monophosphate, young seedlings of petunias, you can ensure that these flowers will delight you with bright buds for many seasons.
The first thing that a novice florist needs to understand is that providing petunia with minerals and trace elements important for it is one of mandatory requirements, guaranteeing abundant flowering.
When two weeks pass from the moment of sowing the seeds in the ground, the first feeding is carried out - for this, the seedlings poured with a solution of potassium permanganate or a fungicide. This must be done by spraying so that the solution gets not only on the seedlings, but also into the ground.
It is imperative to keep the soil moist, making sure that the moisture is not too much and not too little, since this also does not benefit young plants.
Young seedlings grow well if fertilize with vitamin supplements, which you can buy at a regular pharmacy and prepare a solution based on them. Typically, such feeding is carried out between waterings. Its frequency is once every two weeks.
Fertilizers for petunias and vitamins
In addition, a good effect, manifested in the abundant flowering of young petunia plants, is provided by the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers into the soil. Thanks to this element the seedlings will become strong.
After waiting for the formation of the first leaves, plants are transplanted into individual containers, after which they also need to be fertilized.
Suitable as a top dressing yellow crystallone solution: it is prepared from one tablespoon of the substance, which is diluted in a bucket of water. The benefits of such watering will be significant, because it will help the formation of a strong root system.
Along with the above fertilizers, you can also use green crystallone solution... This top dressing is carried out by spraying on the leaves and stems of the seedlings. As a result, the plants will actively grow and will delight you in summer and spring with abundant flowering.
To prepare the solution, follow a similar scheme as in the case of the yellow crystal. In some cases, it is allowed to use other available fertilizers instead of the green crystal:
- "Uniflor Micro".
- Vitamins B1-Thiamin.
- Vitamin B12.
Those who are going to grow a lot of petunia seedlings are advised to purchase complex fertilizersthat are offered in every flower shop.
The frequency of feeding petunias
Having picked up suitable fertilizers for seedlings of petunias, keep in mind that feeding must be carried out over time more and more often, bringing their amount up to three times a week... Moreover, it is recommended to do this between regular waterings.
At the stage of growing seedlings, it is necessary to keep the soil in which the petunia seedlings grow in a moist state. Given its condition, it is necessary to choose the time to feed the plants.
When the seedlings reach a state sufficient to enter the flowering phase, it is necessary, along with root dressings, to carry out foliar dressings, involving the application of fertilizers by spraying.
How to feed petunia immediately after germination
You can determine the favorable time to start feeding petunias by the appearance of leaves in the seedlings. At this stage of development, fertilizers are applied foliar method... For spraying plants, you can choose the following types of fertilizers:
- Potassium humate.
- Plantofol.
- Kristalon.
- Scots.
- Floral aquamarine.
- Biohumus.
When the plants are strong enough, they can be fed with the following mixtures:
- Ammonium nitrate.
- Calcium saltpeter (10 grams per 10 liters of water).
- Potassium monophosphate (15 grams per 10-12 liters of water).
- Urea (10 gr.10 liters of water).
Fertilizers to provide petunias with the nutrients they need can be found at a specialty store where you can find the right fertilizer at an affordable price.
However, it should be borne in mind that feeding is most effective if it is carried out at the right time. Therefore it is recommended spray seedlings in the evening... So, you will not allow spots to appear on the leaves.
Keep in mind that petunia can delight you with abundant growth and flowering only if you provide her with appropriate carewithout sparing neither time nor money to purchase the necessary drugs.
The flower's gratitude will be its beauty, which you can contemplate for many months.
Helpful hints
For many gardeners, petunia is one of the coveted plants at their summer cottage. Although ordinary flower growers who grow indoor plants also do not give up the opportunity to replenish their green corner with this flower.
Few people can be left indifferent by the bright bloom of petunias, therefore it is the desire to enjoy this beauty in the first weeks of spring that drives many people who are thinking about growing petunia not only on the site, but also on the balcony or in the yard.
However, it is not so easy to achieve bright flowering from petunias, since a long time must pass before this event, because this flower is grown through seedlings.
Every gardener should keep in mind that this is a plant from the very sowing of seeds. needs feeding... Indeed, without providing the necessary nutrients, it simply will not bring the result that the owner expects.
Therefore, only those who are ready to devote enough time to caring for this demanding plant can receive a gift in the form of bright buds.