5 mistakes that ruin your newly bought indoor flower

Every florist has probably at least once faced a situation when an indoor flower recently purchased in a store did not meet expectations or even died. The reason is usually due to care errors, not poor plant quality. It is important to organize the correct adaptation of the green "new settler", then he will successfully take root in a new place.

Transplant into permanent soil

An emergency houseplant transplant is carried out only if the soil is moldy or the pot is frankly small for it. In other cases, it is recommended to wait 2-3 weeks - during this time the flower will get used to the changed living conditions.

As for the soil, it is better to give preference to a special substrate for a particular plant species. The universal primer is suitable only for undemanding flowers.

When replanting, it is important to carefully examine the root system. If it is well developed and looks healthy, then immediately after the work done, the plant is watered. If there are few roots or signs of decay are found on them, then watering is postponed for several days.

Too bright lighting

For a painless habituation to a new habitat, it is necessary to provide the plant with the right lighting. It is better not to put a freshly purchased flower in a permanent place right away. Subdued light and moderate room temperature (no higher than 18-20 ℃) ​​will be the most suitable conditions. It is important to consider that direct sunlight is harmful for any flower.

It is better to familiarize yourself with the preferences of a particular plant in advance and, in accordance with them, choose the minimum allowable light intensity. If an indoor flower needs a bright sun, then at first it is placed where soft, diffused light pours all day. If the culture feels equally well in the sun and in partial shade, then at the time of adaptation it is placed in partial shade. Shade-tolerant beginners are kept in semi-darkness for a couple of weeks.

Placing next to other flowers

In the early days, any new houseplant is placed several meters away from the rest of the home green space. An ideal option is a separate room. If there are a lot of plants, and there is not enough free space, then the quarantine copy can be fenced off with plywood, cardboard or folders.

It is important to conduct a thorough examination of the purchased flower for pests and diseases. It is better to use a magnifying glass for this. Even if no visible lesions are found, it is still recommended to keep the new plant in isolation for two weeks. If during this time something suspicious is found, then the flower should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or green soap, which is sold in a flower shop. The treatment is repeated 4-5 times at intervals of 3-5 days.

Early feeding

After transplanting, flower growers usually want to help the plant recover faster and get used to a new habitat, for which they begin to make various dressings. Doing this is not worth it, you can only do harm.

They begin to feed the transplanted flower after 30-45 days and only after it shows the first signs of successful rooting: new leaves, shoots and shoots should appear.

Abundant watering

Before starting watering, you should pay attention to the condition of the new indoor plant.Remember a good rule of thumb: underfilling is better than overfilling. Flowers often die from an excess of moisture, rather than from a lack of it, so it is important not to overdo it.

You should also consider the location of the windows in the house. If the flowers are on the windowsill on the south side, where it is sunny and hot, then they will have to be watered abundantly and often. The north side offers less intense moisture.

Some types of houseplants need regular spraying. It is important to comply with the requirement. This will help the correct development of flowers, at the same time the air will be humidified in the room, which is very beneficial for health. But it is not recommended to water the plants during the daytime. The rays of the sun passing through the water droplets like through tiny lenses can burn the leaves. The optimal time for watering and spraying is early morning or evening.

Try to properly care for new houseplants and create favorable conditions for their adaptation, then all purchased flowers will delight you with their natural beauty and lush flowering.

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