Once the exotic flower "Orchid" was so fond of flower growers that it is difficult to find an apartment, wherever this plant adorns the windowsill. But not everyone has learned to take care of him properly.
This is expressed by the fact that the orchid leaves begin to wither, turn yellow, and subsequently fall off. Noticing such changes in your flower, you need to analyze the care process and understand why the orchid has lost its beauty and healthy appearance.
Causes of wilting leaves
Before starting the process of flower rehabilitation, you need to understand for what reasons this happened. There can be many options:
The roots of the flower are constantly overheating.
- The roots of the plant are damaged.
- The humidity in the room is too high.
- The flower lacks moisture.
- Top dressing is not done correctly.
- The soil of the plant is very compacted.
Let's consider each cause of leaf wilting in more detail.
Why the roots of the flower overheat
The first thing that experts in the cultivation of these flowers pay attention to when it is necessary to answer the question of why the leaves of an orchid wither is increased pot temperature.
Despite the fact that orchids love warmth, the constant hit of sunlight on the area of \ u200b \ u200bthe walls of the pot provokes its heating.
Due to this situation, the roots overheat, as leads to wilting of leaves... In winter, the battery can become the cause of wilting, which heats the window sill from below, and that, in turn, a pot with roots, which leads to the same effect as the sun's rays.
This situation leads to the fact that the plant begins actively evaporate moisture... In the soil, water evaporates due to the heat. As a result of these conditions, the roots do not receive the required amount of moisture.
And along with the lack of moisture, there is no supply of nutrients contained in the water. The result is obvious, lethargy and flabbiness of the leaf plate, and subsequently yellowing and falling off of the leaf damaged by excess heat. The leaf can wither quickly, in especially unfavorable conditions in a few hours.
Why the roots can be damaged
Root damage occurs if the orchid is regularly exposed to unsuitable for her growth and development. The roots can both rot and dry out. All this is detrimental to the plant and casts doubt on the fact that if urgent measures are not taken, the orchid will survive.
The owner-created ideal care conditions, which each flower will have their own, will allow the plant to recover and grow a new root system. Which, in turn, will allow the leaves to get rid of wilting.
For what reasons can there be excess moisture
In nature, the orchid grows on rocks and trees, fastening with bare roots behind the surface chosen by the flower. So, watering and drying the roots occurs in a natural way by rain and sun.
Being in pots, the roots cannot immediately get rid of excess water if in a container few holes or they are of small diameter.Stagnation of water also provokes a deterioration in the condition of the root system of orchids.
You can eliminate moisture by controlling the pallet that stands under the pot. Water should not stagnate in it. In addition, the room where these plants stand must be often ventilated. But it must be borne in mind that you cannot leave an orchid in a draft.
Why a flower may lack moisture
This state of the plant can occur when a novice florist, after listening to the advice of supposedly experienced specialists, begins to water the orchid strictly on certain days.
This can be done only in cases where the premises are constantly maintained at the same temperature and humidity.
This can only be done in laboratory conditions, therefore, for growing orchids at home, this approach to watering damaging to flowers.
The owner of the orchid should have an individual approach to each flower, since the need for watering can only be reported by the state of the soil in the pot. The ideal condition of the substrate is moderate moisture and looseness, but in no case phlegm.
How can you harm a flower by feeding
For many flower lovers, there is an axiom that the more fertilizer, the better the plant will feel. In fact, this is an erroneous statement that has not been confirmed by practice.
Since the orchid grows in a substrate of moss and bark, which loosely envelop the roots, as the earth does, even a fertilizer improperly diluted in violation of the instructions on the package can cause significant damage to the plant.
In addition, for fertilizing orchids special formulations needed, which indicate this particular plant. On the packaging you can always read the doses and periods of fertilization, methods of its dilution, if any. If you adhere to the recommendations, then the problems due to feeding the orchid will not arise.
Reasons for soil compaction
If the orchid is properly looked after and it is actively growing, then a sluggish leaf can form due to the fact that the soil in the container has compacted. This suggests that a lot of roots... It is easy to see this, because almost all pots for these flowers are transparent.
To remedy the situation, the plant just needs transplant into a pot with a large volume. But in no case should the roots that stick out, try to fit into a container and sprinkle with soil. They must be left in the state they were, otherwise they may disappear.
Roots are as important to a plant as the circulatory system is to humans. Therefore, if they do not have enough space for the normal supply of the orchid with everything they need, or they are in an uncomfortable temperature regime, then this can immediately affect the appearance of the plant.
How to save a wilted orchid
Seeing the wilted leaves of a flower, you need to immediately do resuscitation manipulations that will restore a healthy look of the plant.
If the plant is overheated, you need it right away rearrange in the shadow... In this state, he cannot be disturbed for four hours. It is strictly forbidden to spray or water the orchid, this can provoke rotting of the parts on which water gets into.
Restoring the flower to its normal state will be a long undertaking. After overheating, the orchid will need to find a place where this does not happen again. Then you will need to water it regularly, which should restore her water balance.
Experts have noticed that wilting of flower leaves due to damage to the roots occurs only in ten cases.
The degrees of injury to the root system are:
- Lightweight.
- Average.
- Heavy.
- Very heavy.
All degrees of damage, except for the last "very severe", can be treated and restored.
Orchid prevention and restoration rules
You need to restore a flower by taking it at the base and trying to move it. If he does not move, then he needs water procedures.If the orchid was standing in a warm place, then it needs to stand in the shade for about an hour.
Then, the pot must be lowered into a container of warm water and allowed to settle there for an hour. After that the plant need a warm shower, but you need to remember that you cannot get water on the peduncles.
After the water has completely drained from the leaves, the flower needs to be wiped dry with a cotton cloth (or any other natural). It is better to put the plant in a bright place, but without direct sunlight.
During the period of resuscitation, you cannot water the orchid with preparations for growth, this will only make the flower worse. The first positive result can be expected after three days. If this does not happen, you need to examine the roots.
To do this, remove the plant from the pot and studying the root system... Healthy and vibrant roots are visible at a glance, they are green and firm.
All other roots are needed remove with a sharp knife to healthy tissue. The cut site must be treated with charcoal pounded into powder so that the cut root is dried.
According to orchid specialists, even one living root of at least five centimeters can grow into a full-fledged bush. Only it needs to be planted in new soil, strictly controlling watering, avoiding excess water.
Direct exposure to sunlight is also unacceptable, otherwise the flower will not have the slightest chance to survive. The orchid is a very beautiful flower, so it is worth making an effort so that this plant decorates the room and pleases others with its spectacular flowers.
And do not despair if the leaves suddenly wrinkled and lost their shine. Urgently needed take measures to improve plants and flower will be able to recover.