The orchid has many fans, so growers know what this plant looks like. In the minds of most, this is a very beautiful flower that rises on a thin, fragile stem.
However, it is not so easy to grow this flower in an apartment, since there are many different nuances here. Although this does not stop many, since the desire to enjoy the natural sophistication, sensuality and refined fragility of the orchid often prevails.
Features of watering orchids at home
In the process of leaving, many growers face problems related to proper watering. orchids in a pot... Not everyone knows how often to do this and what kind of water is best to use.
However, this event is very important, as it largely determines how beautiful the orchid will turn out. Is there not to know the rules for watering an orchid in a pot and carry out this event with violations, then the plant can in a couple of months dry up and die.
According to novice growers, the orchid is one of the most difficult plants to grow at home.
And, although it is necessary to provide a lot of favorable conditions for normal development for it, appropriate care gives confidence that the orchid can bloom profusely even on the windowsill.
If a novice florist gets down to business, then, as a rule, he, not having the necessary knowledge, conducts frequent and abundant watering. But, do it wrongas excess water can lead to root rot.
Therefore, the harm from waterlogging is often more destructive than moisture deficiency. Therefore, it is important to know how often to water your orchid.
The first thing every grower needs to understand is that when determining the frequency of watering, it is necessary to proceed from the rate at which moisture evaporates from the soil. It is a misconception that the opinion of those flower growers who believe that watering once a week is enough for an orchid.
In each case, moisture will evaporate from the soil in the pot at a different rate. To determine it, you need take into account many factors: illumination, pot size, humidity level, air temperature.
Therefore, it is impossible to give a universal recommendation regarding the optimal amount of watering for an orchid, since it will be different in each case.
What water to water orchids
No houseplant can live without water, so it largely determines how long it will bloom and bring aesthetic pleasure to its owners.
For plants, water is important because with it they receive nutrients, as well as the ability to maintain the optimal temperature of the roots. Under natural conditions, the supply of nutrients to the orchid provides rainwater.
However, it is no secret to anyone that in the conditions of modern cities, the liquid that comes in during precipitation is not as safe as the water that rains bring in tropical forests.
Experts recommend using for watering orchids indoors soft water... In some cases, moderately hard water can be used.
Hardness of water
It is extremely difficult for an ordinary person to determine how hard water is. But there is a method available to everyone that allows you to find out.
This can be determined by the amount of scale formed when boiling water in a kettle - the more there is, the harder the water is.
An effective softener for hard water is oxalic acid, which can be purchased at flower shops. For this tool to work, you must adhere to the following scheme:
- 1/8 teaspoon of oxalic acid must be diluted in 5 liters of cold water;
- after this, the liquid must be allowed to stand for a day;
- further, the water is filtered or the liquid is drained, trying not to touch the sediment at the bottom of the container.
An alternative to the above remedy is high moor peat: for this it is placed in a bag, which, in turn, is immersed in water and left in it overnight. It is also beneficial to use this tool because it increases the acidity of water.
To normalize the hardness of distilled water, it is recommended to add an equal amount of separated water to it. The fact is that as a result of the distillation procedure, important minerals are removed from the water.
You can also restore the water hardness level using filter for water purification... Its regular use allows you to remove harmful bacteria, fungi and heavy metals from it.
Water acidity level and optimal temperature
To keep the orchid from giving you big problems and blooming profusely, it is very important to maintain the acidity of the water at a pH level of 5.
The easiest way to determine acidity is to use litmus paper. Finding that the acidity level is too high, you can use lemon juice, a couple of drops of which are added to water.
The orchid will grow well if watered water at room temperature... It is best absorbed if the water is heated to a temperature of 35-40 degrees.
Ways to water orchids
In addition to addressing key issues related to watering orchids at home, it is equally important to know how to do it right.
Although it is known multiple watering methods This houseplant, however, can only provide the orchid with the necessary amount of moisture by soldering.
"Hot shower"... This method is most often used by gardeners when caring for an orchid. This is due to the fact that it is as close as possible to the effect that warm tropical rains create.
The use of this method of irrigation accelerates the process of plants gaining green mass, which has a positive effect on their flowering. Also useful regularly wash plant leaves, as this allows you to prevent the appearance of various pests.
However, it should be borne in mind that this method of watering an orchid can only be used by owners of apartments where soft water flows in the water pipes. To briefly describe the essence of this irrigation method, it consists in the following:
- The flower must be transferred to the bathroom, where it is watered with a weak stream of warm water using a shower head. It is important to set a suitable water temperature, which should be 40–52 degrees.
- When determining the duration of watering, it is necessary to proceed from how long it will take for the soil to absorb water. After finishing watering, let the plant stand for 10-15 minutes in the bathroom. This will allow excess fluid to drain.
- After an hour, it is necessary to remove the moisture droplets from the leaves using a dry cotton cloth or paper napkin for this purpose. This is done so that there is no excess liquid left on the leaf axils.
Neglecting this recommendation can lead to the fact that the core begins to rot, and this will prevent the orchid from growing further. There are cases when the use of this method of irrigation led to undesirable consequences.
For example, the leaves began to become covered with salt deposits, forming white spots or streaks. You can deal with them by wiping the leaves with a cloth, which must first be soaked in beer or lemon juice in a 1: 1 ratio.
Submerging the orchid in water and watering with a watering can
Perhaps some gardeners who grow an orchid at home will be interested in full immersion method a flowerpot with a flower in the water. After the end of watering, you need to remove the pot from the water and let it stand so that the excess liquid can drain.
Usually, if the orchid has been in the water for 30 seconds, then it is necessary to let it stand for the same amount of time for the water to drain completely.
By using this irrigation method, water overruns can be avoided. But it can be used in relation to only those flowers in which the substrate and the flower itself does not show signs of damage and disease.
Watering with a watering can... For this method of irrigation, you will need a watering can, which is filled with prepared water, and then they begin to pour it in a thin stream over the entire area of the substrate. Care must be taken that the water does not touch the points of growth of the orchid and the axils of the leaves.
Watering is stopped at the moment when the liquid begins to flow out of the lower holes of the pot. After waiting for a certain time required for excess liquid to drain off, another watering should be carried out.
Finally, all excess water is drained from the pallet. It is recommended to water the orchid in this way in the morning.
Spraying roots... This way you can water plants that are grown using blocks instead of soil. Since the roots of such plants lose moisture much faster, they need to be watered more often.
Spraying is recommended in the first half of the day... This gives the roots plenty of time to dry. The best effect when using a spray gun is achieved if watering is carried out with the fog mode turned on.
How to water an orchid during flowering
You need to be especially careful when watering plants entering the flowering phase, since there are some nuances here.
Care must be taken to ensure that the orchid is provided with sufficient moisture during the flowering period.
- Typically, watering is carried out at intervals of every three to four days.
- The best time to water a blooming orchid is early morning.
- Given that the orchid blooms for a long time, often up to six months, in addition to moisture, the plants must be provided with fertilizers.
The orchid equally attracts the attention of not only experienced but also novice flower growers. Therefore, it is no coincidence that it is considered one of the popular houseplants.
However, everyone can grow it, because it is enough to familiarize yourself with the rules of planting and caring for a plant so that you can enjoy its flowering every year.
Among all the activities that provide for proper orchid care, special attention should be paid to watering. There is many important nuancesregarding the choice of suitable water, timing and method of irrigation.
All of these points can greatly affect how well an orchid grows and blooms.