Floor flowers that attract the attention of everyone who sees them

Choosing a houseplant is not as easy as it might seem. If space permits, then floor options in large pots should be preferred. Such flowers will replace many of even the most beautiful small flowers, making the home environment more comfortable.


In a residential or office space of a large area, a traditional palm tree will be appropriate. Its wide leaves with cuts are reminiscent of tropical climates and are therefore particularly well suited to Mediterranean, African interior design.

Monstera belongs to the Aroid family, which includes more than 50 species. Indoor greenery is capable of ionizing indoor air and is therefore popular in living spaces. At the same time, at home, a palm tree rarely has flowers.

Effective cultivation requires an abundance of diffused light and an air temperature of at least + 16 ° C. From spring to autumn, the plant is watered immediately after the top layer of soil in the pot dries, and in winter the soil is moistened when it dries up to 1/4 of the depth.

When planting or moving a flower to another pot, a thin support stick must be fixed in the soil. As they grow, the stems are tied to it. You can propagate a room palm by seeds, cuttings. It is important to care for the monster with gloves, as the juice is poisonous. For the same reason, pets and small children should not be allowed to swallow leaf pieces.


The name of this plant is no less impressive than its appearance. This ornamental-deciduous shrub belongs to the Aroid family, has long branches with elongated leaves. The rich green shade of the flower pleases the eye and decorates the interior.

Caring for zamioculcas at home is simple. This species blooms very rarely, but if this happens, then the buds that appear symbolize good luck. To ensure the most comfortable conditions, it is worth not allowing the air temperature to drop below + 16 ° C and not above + 28 ° C. Loose soil with good drainage, annual spring repotting will ensure good growth of greenery. It should be watered up to 2 times a week in summer and 1 time in 15 days in winter.

Drafts and sudden temperature changes can lead to leaf fall, slowing growth. Therefore, greenery should not be placed near the entrance to a house or apartment. It is also worth protecting and tying the long branches of an adult plant to the support. With good care, zamioculcas live for about 10 years.

Ficus Ali

In natural conditions, such greens can be found in the southeastern part of Asia. The room type is unpretentious and has an unusual appearance. Long and narrow leaves are collected in a lush and spreading crown.

Good growth is ensured by an abundance of diffused light, an air temperature of about + 22 ° C, as well as the absence of hypothermia, drafts. Shedding foliage is one sign that the plant is uncomfortable.

Watering is carried out as the soil dries up. It is important to keep the pot holder dry. If water appears there, then there is a risk of decay of the root system, you need to stop watering before the soil dries out.

For planting, choose ready-made substrates for palm plants. They are lightweight, nutritious and contain all the necessary components for a plant.From spring to autumn, 1-2 times a week, you can feed the flower, alternating organic and mineral substances. As it grows, it is easy to form a crown by cutting off unnecessary parts of the branches.

Chinese rose

The Chinese rose or hibiscus belongs to the Malvov family and is popular among flower growers in that it often blooms and pleases the eye with bright and large buds. They bloom in the spring and last until about autumn. At the same time, both a slightly shaded space and a space brightly lit by diffused light are suitable for growing.

Moderate watering, air temperature about + 18 ° C, annual transplanting, pruning until buds appear - the main activities for growing a Chinese rose. It is not difficult to propagate it by cuttings or seeds. In the summer, the soil is fertilized with minerals, and in the winter, potassium-phosphorus components are used.

The right cultivation approach will ensure the beautiful appearance of palm and other indoor plants. Non-flowering species will retain the rich shade of the leaves, while others will decorate the setting with bright buds.

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