What to give a flower lover on March 8: 10 plants in pots

A given potted plant will delight its owner much longer than a bouquet of cut flowers, which quickly fade and inspire melancholy. These indoor flowers can be safely given even to novice growers - they are easy to care for and very beautiful.


Orchid is one of the most beautiful and most expensive flowers for a gift on March 8th. The plant is suitable for both home and office. They are usually given to young women. And you can choose any color - monochromatic, patterned, multi-colored. Orchid colors can be very unusual: white, coral, pistachio, peach, and even black.

The flower loves diffused lighting and warmth. For proper development, he needs a transparent pot: the roots of the orchid grow only in the light. But she doesn't really need the land. It is enough that the container contains moss, pieces of bark or a special substrate.


This plant is able to bloom magnificently and beautifully up to fifteen years. But it blooms only in the cold season. Delicate pink, purple, reddish or white flowers are the harbingers of the coming spring. Blooming cyclamen will be an excellent decoration for a table or cabinet. It is best not to put it not on the window, but in a cool place, as he loves diffused light, and direct sunlight can harm him. Try to provide the plant with a cool, fresh and light climate, do not forget to moisturize the soil - and the cyclamen will surely thank you with beautiful butterfly flowers.


This plant is referred to as primroses - blossoming crocuses are considered heralds of spring. The second name of the flower is saffron. So it was called by the Arabs in ancient times because of the yellow stigma. Crocus flowers can have different colors depending on the species: from yellow to orange, from lilac to dark purple and from white to cream. Also, the color can be either two-colored or spotted, which also depends on the variety.

Crocuses are usually grown in flower beds, but there are also potted versions of this flower. They grow best in diffused lighting, in a cool place (the temperature should not be higher than + 20 ° C), with moderate watering.


People call this plant a violet. She is unpretentious, but rather sweet and pretty. Their velvety leaves and delicate flowers with a carved border are very beautiful. Violets are practically not found in offices, so they are considered home flowers that create a sense of comfort and harmony. Saintpaulia flowers have different colors: from white to dark purple.

Violets do not like bright sunlight, drafts and heat. Water it at the root, do not spray, place it best on the western or eastern windowsill. The soil should be loose and light.


Hyacinth is one of the most popular flowering pot plants. His inflorescences are medium in size, can have a different color: red, yellow, purple, blue, pink, purple, white.

Depending on the type, the flowers can be simple or double. Hyacinth blooms well in winter and spring months, prefers coolness and a lot of light. Watering should be uniform.


One of the first spring flowers, so it is very often given on March 8th. Often tulips are presented in a bouquet, but if the flower is planted in an original pot, it will delight its owner longer.In addition to the usual red and yellow shades, these flowers can be black and green-pink.

Tulips are grown at home in a cool, bright place. In the spring it will be possible to plant a flower in the street ground.


Rhododendrons (another name for the plant) in the distant past were considered symbols of sadness and loneliness. But now in the language of flowers, azalea is a secret hidden from prying eyes, sensuality and respect expressed to a lady.

Diffuse lighting, cool temperature conditions, high humidity are necessary conditions for azaleas to bloom.

rose flower

Roses as a gift for a girl are a kind of tradition. This plant is not suitable for the office - it requires more careful maintenance. Homemade roses vary greatly in color and can even be lilac.

Do not allow roses to overheat in the sun, an abundance of water in the pot. Dry twigs and faded flowers must be removed, fertilizers must be applied on time.


Anthurium is a spectacular plant with glossy leaves and large flowers. The flower is thermophilic, but in the open sun it can die.

Oddly enough, he loves tight pots. Moderate moisture, spraying, diffused light and heat are the main conditions for its development.


Gerberas are a symbol of youth, so they are suitable for a young girl. Loves direct sunlight, so it is recommended to put the plant on the window.

For a gerbera, you need a tall, narrow flowerpot, always with a drainage layer. Both in winter and in summer, spraying and moist soil are important to her. With a lack of light, the plant will not bloom.

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