Planting and caring for gerberas in the garden

The garden gerbera is a very popular flower among flower lovers. This plant resembles chamomile in its appearance and can be grown in the garden and at home. In gratitude for the proper care, the gerbera will thank its owner with a wonderful flowering.

But not many people know how to grow it on their own. This flower is capricious and capricious and it is quite difficult to grow it without special knowledge. So what is a garden gerbera? The planting and care of this amazing plant will also be considered.

Features of garden gerbera

This flower belongs to the Asteraceae family, the size of which can reach a height of 20 - 30 cm. Thick its leaves are collected in an outlet, above which the peduncles rise. In diameter, the inflorescences reach 12 cm, each of which is able to bloom for about a month. The plant itself blooms all summer, that is, about three months. During this time, up to 20 flowers can form on it.

Gerbera can be grown both outdoors and at home. In the latter case, its dwarf varieties are used, and the entire varietal spectrum is usually used for breeding in gardens. This plant is characterized by beautiful flowers of various shades, as well as long and abundant flowering.

Growing seedlings

Nowadays, you can easily purchase a package of seeds. The main thing is that the date is normal, because their germination lasts for 7 - 8 months... Growing gerberas from seeds begins with the arrival of spring, but some growers can carry out this process at any time of the year.

To grow seedlings from seeds, it is best to use a light potting mix with equal parts:

  • Garden Gerbera is a beautiful perennial flower that grows in the garden.sand;
  • peat;
  • perlite;
  • leafy land.

Many people use special boxes for mini-greenhouses for these purposes or immediately plant and grow in a pot.

The soil must be loosened, after which seeds begin to spread on its surface. On top of them sprinkle with a small layer of substrate and moisten with a spray. After that, the container is covered with plastic wrap or glass.

Seedlings must be protected from excessive amounts of direct sunlight; it is better to use diffused light for these purposes. If the seeds are planted in March, then room temperature will be enough for growing. The main thing is to carry out regular ventilation. and from time to time spray the topsoil with water, preventing it from drying out. The first shoots may appear within 10-14 days.

After another two weeks, the first leaves begin to appear, and as soon as 3 - 4 leaves appear in the seedlings, they are taken for transplanting shoots. As soon as the period of night frosts has passed, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground.

Growing gerbera in the open field

The garden gerbera is a moisture and heat-loving plant, therefore certain difficulties arise in its cultivation. Her large leaves are capable of evaporating a large amount of moisture, which makes this flower dependent on humidity and temperature conditions of its habitat. Gerbera does not tolerate too moist soil.

The area where the flower will be grown must be sunny and protected from drafts. It is planted on a gentle slope in its middle part. The soil must be loose and rich in minerals and nitrogen. But it is worth considering the fact that nitrogen in large quantities contributes to an increase in the size of the plant due to the green part, and not due to its flowers.

In order for the gerbera to bloom as long as possible, the soil should have enough:

  • Gerberas in a greenhouse - a photo of flowering plants.phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • manganese.

With their deficiency, the plants either do not bloom at all, or their flowers will be small. It is imperative to provide drainage, and watering directly under the root... If you do this from above, there will be an excess of moisture, and the flower may rot.

In addition, the soil should be rich not only in organic matter, but also contain a large amount of rotting, but not rotting plant parts. Forest soil is considered the best option.containing many rotting leaves.

10 months after planting the seedlings, the gerbera blooms, delighting its owner with colorful flowers. The fruits of this plant are presented in the form of a box with seeds.... They are harvested, and next year new flowers are grown from them. With the arrival of autumn, the roots should be dug out so that wintering takes place in a warmer place.

Caring for garden gerbera

Planting and caring for a gerbera in the garden requires compliance with certain rules.


This flower is very sensitive to water temperature and the amount of watering. The water should be warm and soft, and watered at the root, but in this way, so that the soil does not erode and the roots were not exposed. During active growth, watering is carried out more abundantly, and during flowering it should be minimized. The rest of the time, the plant should be watered in moderation.

Lighting and feeding

The flower should be provided with the necessary lighting, otherwise it will stretch out, and its flowers will be small and rare.

Also, the plant must be regularly fed using a mixture of mineral fertilizers and cow dung, rich in:

  • Gerbera garden flowers grow beautifully in the country.potassium;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium.

To do this, manure is placed in a container with water and this slurry is stirred from time to time. After that mineral fertilizers are added there, and before watering, this concentrated solution should be diluted 5 times. Top dressing is applied 2 times a month.

Growing a flower from seed at home

Gerberas can be grown all year round at home. A large box or pot is required to plant seeds. Various earthen mixtures are used as soil, and do not forget about drainage. Also be sure to observe the level of soil acidity, raising or lowering which can significantly harm the plant. Sprinkle the seeds on top with a 5 mm layer of sand, and then moisten it. For better seed germination at home, the container should be covered with plastic wrap or glass.

In order for gerberas from seeds to germinate successfully, it is necessary to observe a certain temperature regime, which should be 16-18 degrees. Seedlings should be regularly moistened and ventilated. After about 10 days, the first shoots should appear. how only they grow up a little, they should be transplantedusing a large box or small pots for this purpose. If a large container was chosen, then the distance between the seedlings should be at least 5 cm. Subsequently, the care of gerberas should be carried out in accordance with the rules.

Thus, growing a gerbera from seeds, as well as planting and caring for this flower in the garden, is quite difficult. it the plant is quite moody, able to impose certain requirements on its cultivation, non-compliance with which leads to the fact that the flower may even stop its growth and development.

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