Buying a flower and how to care for a cyclamen at home?

Cyclamen is one of the most beautiful indoor flowers and rightfully deserves first place in the collections of amateur florists. However, negligent flower growers tell beginners different tales about his alleged capriciousness, so many refuse him. You should not believe such people, because even a simple geranium is a super capricious plant for them.

From time immemorial, cyclamens were grown on windowsills by our grandmothers without any problems, and not only because of its beauty, but also because of its beneficial properties, because its root has an excellent effect in the treatment of sinusitis.

Types of cyclamen

At that time, the European cyclamen or, as it is also called, the Alpine violet, could be more often found. Nowadays the most popular is its Persian form... They do not differ much from each other in care, however, the characteristics of each must still be taken into account.

In nature, of course, there are much more of them, not to mention the hybrids bred by breeders. Homemade cyclamen was previously considered a winter flowering flower, because it blooms throughout the winter period until the onset of spring. Hybrids by their appearance marked the all-season, the ability to bloom regardless of the season. It is these flowers that we acquire under the name "Persian cyclamen".

It is difficult to say whether their hybridity affected the healing properties is unknown, but the fact that the tuber remained the same poisonous is for sure. Therefore, be careful. The cyclamen tuber is large, even its miniature specimens have a diameter of 8 cm, while giants can differ by 30 centimeters.


Cyclamen flower is very beautifulIf you decide to buy not a finished plant in a pot, but only its tuber, then ask the seller for its appearance and age, carefully examine it. He must have a weighty mass, to be firm and resilient. See if the tuber has buds that are located at the top of it.

When buying a whole plant, also inspect it carefully from all angles. The leaves should not hang sluggishly, it is necessary that they be fresh. Persian cyclamen tuber is on the surface, it is smooth to the touch, without wrinkles. The plant is bought in October or November - at the beginning of flowering. Most buds should be unopened, in which case the flowers will last longer.

Cyclamen: home care

The plant needs good care and a competent approach.

Site selection and lighting

Remember that home cyclamen does not tolerate drafts, but stagnant air is harmful to it. The plant needs good lighting, therefore, the location on the windowsill is exactly what it needs, however, it is better to put it on a non-opening windowbut in a regularly ventilated room. It is worth noting that he needs good lighting only during the period of budding and flowering, during the rest period it is completely unnecessary for him.

Bright bouquet of cyclamen shown in the photoCyclamen tuber before planting in the groundHomemade cyclamen - pot plantCyclamen in a pot is shown in the photo

This is especially true of the Persian type of cyclamen, in which this period is pronounced.He simply sheds foliage at this time and goes into a state of sleep. The European species also needs rest. Both species are placed in a cool place without bright light.

Many would-be flower growers advise beginners to put tubers in the refrigerator, after separating them from the pot. Of this you can't do, because after such an execution, the plant will not wake up. This will end your caring for him. So leave it in the pot.


Cyclamen grows and blooms very well at home.Home care for cyclamen implies the optimal temperature of the content. On this occasion, I would like to once again dwell on the choice of a window sill as the correct location for this flower. Since it is hardly possible to find temperatures up to 15 degrees in the room, because cyclamen for healthy and proper development, this indicator is needed in the range of 6-15 degrees above zero... If the temperature is higher, the flowering will become scarce and short-lived. Therefore, species blooming in winter look more presentable.

Moistening of soil, air, fertilization

Cyclamen does not like waterlogging or drying out of an earthen coma. The optimal solution would be to water through the pallet. Since during top watering, water can get to the point of tuber growth, which will lead to decay and death of the plant.

The same reason does not allow spraying the flower, especially during flowering. However, cyclamen requires high humidity. it can be arranged using a pallet with wet expanded clay, where the flower pot is placed, and it is also easy to place containers filled with water next to it.

How to properly care for cyclamenIf you have recently acquired this spectacular crop, you need to forget about fertilizers for 2-4 months, because there are more of them in the substrate than is required. After this time, fertilizer is applied twice a month, excluding the dormant period. Give preference to liquid fertilizers for flowering plants. Do not use complex mineral fertilizer, as it contains a lot of mineral salts, which is bad for the flower.


Many professional gardeners advise replanting the cyclamen after a dormant period, however, it is better to leave the flower in the pot for 2 years when the need arises. She comes when tuber does not fit in the pot, but this happens, as a rule, exactly once every 2 years. After this time, transplant.

When planting, consider the cyclamen variety. Thus, the European species is completely immersed in the ground, while its Persian counterpart is only half. For the Persian cyclamen, a pot is needed, even a little cramped, the distance to the wall does not exceed 2-3 cm. Plant the European species in a more spacious one. This is due to root growth. In the Persian species, they are directed downward, and the European one fills the container with them throughout the entire volume. Some growers prefer to leave some of the roots of the European variety also outside.

The land is purchased in a store, where you can buy ready-made specifically for cyclamen, but you can cook it yourself... To do this, take:

  1. substrate for cacti.
  2. leaf humus and peat are added to the container in equal proportions.

Drainage is also needed. After planting a flower, Cyclomen plentiful watering is prohibited.... You just need to slightly moisten the soil. Watering is increased gradually after the first shoots appear.


How to care for cyclamen - plant photoThe simplest way is filial tuber propagation. To do this, you just need to separate the young tuber from the mother and plant it in a separate container. All other ways of reproduction of cyclamenin particular by means of seeds are not effective. A novice florist is unlikely to cope with such a task.

It will be especially difficult for him if the plant is propagated by dividing the tuber. If you don't have the skills and experience, this "surgical operation" will not be possible. Since in the world a lot of tuberous plants, cyclamens, begonias and others have been ruined in the process of these operations.

Seed propagation is not such a radical way, however, if you do not have patience, then you may not wait for the flower sprouts. Seeds can sprout depending on the type of plant from 10 days to 6 months. After that, you still need to wait for flowering.

Pest and disease control

Like any other plants living at home, cyclomenia will not hurt or will be attacked by pestsif care is done correctly and thoroughly. However, the following troubles can be expected:

  • Of the pests, the most terrible insect is the cyclamen mite. When the enemy attacked, the leaves of the cyclamen become stiff, the edges curl up, and a gray coating resembling dust becomes visible on the back side. Leaves begin to fall off or become lethargic and lifeless. The buds are also affected. The cyclamen mite is very small and inconspicuous. The plant will be helped by the drug Agravertin or another agent against parasites - Fitoverm. Processing is carried out twice every 10 days. The experience of flower growers shows that it is effective to deal with it only at the initial stages of the lesion, but if time is lost, it is not possible to save the plant.
  • Other pests may also be unwanted guests. So, cyclamen love thrips, aphids, spider mites, but they are not as terrible as the previous attacker. With them, the troubles are not so fatal.
  • Among the diseases, there is a sooty fungus that occurs after the invasion of aphids. The plant can get sick with late blight rot, anthracnose.

Delicate, unusual and spectacular flowers of cyclamen grown at home with careful care and attention, able to create a joyful atmosphere in the house... We especially need positive emotions in winter, when there are so few sunny days. At this time, most types of cyclamen are in bloom, and today we learned how to care for it.

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    1. AvatarΔημητρης Ταταριδης

      thanks for the comments to the flower! now I understand why my flower blooms in winter and my neighbor's in spring and summer! just pink varieties and at first glance are very similar!

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