Household flowers in pots: classification and names

Potted flowers appear in our homes for a variety of reasons. Some see them as an effective means of decorating a home interior, others, using their properties, are used to purify the air, while others are grown just like that, simply because they cannot do without them.


All indoor plantsfall into several categories:

  1. With decorative flowers.
  2. With decorative foliage.
  3. Succulents.
  4. Fruit.

Decorative flowering

Most indoor plants belong to this group. They have a different period and duration of flowering, a period of life, but one thing unites them - an emphasis on beauty. Today this group includes conventionally indoor flowers - garden plants grown in flowerpots to create bouquets. And the main ones are primroses. They are beautiful, but, unfortunately, they quickly wither and hibernate. However, with careful maintenance, the root system can be preserved and plant in open ground in autumn... These include:

  • Types of home roomHyacinth. Loves sunlight, cool content, and moderate watering. It doesn't fade for months. Hyacinth has a strong smell, so if the plant gets into the house, it can give a headache.
  • Crocus. He has many different colors. These cute and delicate plants require abundant watering, increased nutrition and additional lighting.
  • Primrose. It competes with the rose in terms of saturation and variety. Lovers appreciated the unpretentiousness, the duration of the flowering of this plant.
  • Chrysanthemums are houseplants and have adapted well to home conditions. To date, many undersized varieties have been bred. The compact bush will fit well on any windowsill. A large selection of solutions, ease of care is in the hands of many indoor gardeners. In summer, this potted plant can be exposed outside. Many people manage to unravel the secrets of the chrysanthemum, and it begins to gain color from them already from the middle of summer.

Ornamental plants can divided into two species by flowering period... Most people prefer to do this in the summer. If you add to them plants that prefer to bloom in winter, then you can admire your green island all year round. Creating such a cozy corner, it is necessary to carefully select copies. They should have a lot in common: the same conditions of detention. It is important that they love the same temperature, humidity, lighting.

Those who love the sun include:

  • Houseplants and their namesAnthurium, difficult to keep at home.
  • Hippeastrum is a bulbous perennial plant. He is loved for its unusual flowering.
  • Hibiscus.
  • Saintpaulia. Despite its capricious nature, many people grow violets.
  • Geranium It tolerates direct sunlight, but you should not constantly expose it to it. Pelargonium also does not like a lack of light, while ugly exposing the stem. It is a medicinal plant.
  • Orchids need the right temperature and watering. Experienced amateur gardeners recommend starting with simpler plants. However, if it has taken root in indoor conditions and the created microclimate is suitable for growth, then the orchid will bloom.
  • Clivia loves diffused natural lighting.Cannot stand both its lack and excess. The rest of the plant is undemanding, easily tolerates a lack of moisture both in the ground and in the air.

Shade-tolerant plants:

  • Balsam.
  • Jasmine.
  • Azalea.

Decorative deciduous

This group includes non-flowering or ugly flowering indoor plants. Although flowering is not a very spectacular sight, these species are distinguished by the beauty of the leaves... The dormant period is not pronounced, therefore there are always a lot of leaves, which is why the appearance always remains in order. Some species (names) are quite capricious, so they need careful care. In appearance, these indoor plants can be divided into:

  • Climbing.

For example, Tradescantia. Homeland is the rainforest of America. Tradescantia is growing rapidly and harmoniously decorates the wall, window openings. In winter gardens and greenhouses, a bright carpet of shiny leaves looks very impressive.

  • Upright.

Types of indoor flowersPoinsettia has amazing bracts that resemble a star. It also releases flowers at Christmas, which is why it is called the Christmas star. In order for it to bloom on this particular day, you should follow a few simple rules to care for it. They are related to the duration of lighting and watering.

Croton. This houseplant belongs to the family of the smallest, because when you click on the shoot, a wound with white juice appears. In a house it grows up to a meter in height, although in natural conditions it reaches three meters. Beautiful variegated leaves change their color over time. She is partial to good lighting and warm room conditions.

Bauer's begonia is a variety of begonia whose flowers are inconspicuous. In this regard, the resulting flower stalks are removed to preserve the vitality of the beautiful leaves. It requires frequent transplantation, as it develops quickly and multiplies easily. In order for the ground part to form into a beautiful crown, the roots are kept in a cramped pot.

  • Shrubs.

In indoor conditions, ferns easily take root, since they tolerate partial shade well. Their long narrow openwork leaves are often used when creating compositions. Popular names: antler, hair venus, asplenium, nephrolepis, bracken, which is very similar to the ferns growing in our forests.

  • Palms and treelike

Home flowers careAncient people believed that a tall tree with a beautiful crown brings prosperity. However, since the tree grows from a seed, it will take a long time to wait. In addition, for the cultivation of these plants, it is necessary to fulfill important conditions associated with the ability to provide them with sufficient space and light, which is not always feasible.

An indoor tree called Dracaena loves watering and good lighting, she does not need a lot of free space. It is easy to propagate.

Dieffenbachia. The plant is spectacular thanks to its variegated leaves. Needs good lighting, since the beauty of the leaves disappears in the shade. Undemanding, grows up to a meter.

Very sun-loving Yucca it will do well with poor watering and poorly nutritious soil, but it is better not to limit it in sunlight. Growth can be accelerated by feeding.

Monstera. This houseplant has beautiful leaves and a thick stem. Unpretentious, copes with low air humidity and poor watering, grows up to 4 meters. The substance that the leaves secrete can relieve headaches.

Ficus. There are several types of this plant. They differ in shape, size, leaf color, height. Undemanding to care. Arborescents are often used in the art of bonsai. For example, Benjamin.

Ornamental deciduous plants are undemanding to care, have an excellent appearance all year round, therefore they are popular not only in home floriculture, but also in public premises.


Among indoor plants, there are also with healing properties... For example, aloe juice is used in cosmetology and folk medicine, it is used to treat skin diseases and colds. The plant grows quickly, undemanding.

The fat woman or money tree migrated to our region from South Africa and Madagascar. In nature, some varieties reach several meters. Arsenic is contained in the leaves of this indoor tree, so it is worth taking care of pets who like to eat juicy leaves.

Kalanchoe is called a home doctor. The plant belongs to the group of biogenic stimulants. The fleshy leaves contain a substance that can stop blood, suppress bacteria and heal a wound. In indoor conditions it grows well, very unpretentious.

Indoor cacti... These plants also have many species and varieties, like decorative deciduous plants. These tropical aliens are divided into several groups depending on their habitat. There are forest, creeper and desert species. Therefore, plant care should be built based on natural conditions. Then the cactus will feel great and even give some very spectacular flowers.

Sansevieria has an interesting popular name - "mother-in-law's language". The plant is very unpretentious, grows even in a shaded place with low humidity. The leaves contain a lot of saponins - substances through which a medicinal effect can be obtained. It has a choleretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect. It is also known that "mother-in-law's tongue" perfectly cleans the air, therefore it is recommended for rooms with a high density of people.

Spurge has many tall species and for this reason only some of them are able to grow in an apartment. They prefer bright light, they are able to survive in low room humidity. In order for the crown to form lush, it needs moderate watering and cool content in winter.


HouseplantsFruit trees often grow next to decorative flowers on the windowsills. There are dwarf varieties of pomegranate, citrus, coffee tree, avocado. Some even manage to grow tomatoes and cucumbers in indoor conditions, which give small fruits. Successful cultivation requires know all the features of varieties, including the rules for watering, a well-formulated soil mixture, the right amount of light.

When buying a flower, ask the seller how much light the plant needs and if it likes direct sunlight. Because this is very important. If the plant is light-loving, and you put it on the windowsill located on the north side, then you risk being left without the opportunity to observe its flowering. For example, Saintpaulias prefer sunlight, but in direct light they begin to fade, so diffusion is required. Shade-tolerant flowers grow well in any light, but abundance is necessary.

Completely mosses and lichens do without lightthat were cultivated into indoor plants. Remember that most flowers go dormant during winter. However, some continue to grow and bloom, so they need additional lighting, even if the plant is on the windowsill.

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