Fashionable phytowall in the interior: 3 ways to place plants to decorate your home

Indoor flowers standing in a row on windowsills are an obsolete cliché. Modern phytodesign has focused on the new use of living plants in the decoration of living quarters. Among fashion trends, popularity has earned: modular structures, carpet gardening, phytopan and phyto-paintings.

Modular designs

In vertical modular gardening, various ways of organizing structures are used:

  1. Modular system - robust panel with plastic, wood or metal body with holes for flower pots. The phytowall is made up of a different number of plants, depending on the size chosen, and watering is carried out in the usual way, from a watering can. Such designs can be purchased ready-made, or you can come up with and do it yourself.
  2. The pocket system is a more complex option, with indentations in the felt material for plants and a drip irrigation system, water supply and drainage, requiring a connection to the water supply.

A green wall can be made up of all sorts of combinations of plants, or it can be decorated with one type, for example, violets, cacti, succulents, moss. It is considered optimal to select indoor flowers in accordance with the place of growth, since in the same system there are plants with similar maintenance requirements.

The advantages of phytowalls are:

  • bringing into the interior an atmosphere of unity with nature, environmental friendliness, naturalness;
  • creating a peaceful, emotional environment conducive to better relaxation and recreation;
  • qualitative improvement of indoor air - increasing humidity and oxygenation, as well as the absorption of harmful substances;
  • saving living space of rooms;
  • the possibility of using as partitions when it is required to delimit a room into functional zones;
  • the ability to mask minor errors of repair, visible sections of communications.

There are not many disadvantages of phytoconstructions:

  • rather large time spent on caring for plants;
  • high price;
  • the need for professional installation when installing pocket systems.

In addition, all flaws are clearly visible on the modular design: dried leaves, flowers, diseased or damaged plants. With this in mind, caring for them should be quite thorough.

Carpet gardening

This is the most complex type of vertical landscaping, consisting of large-format canvases, or curtains created on a pocket basis. It is supposed to place a large number of cell pockets on the fabric surface in which ornamental plants are planted. In accordance with the peculiarities of this technology, they are grown hydroponically, without the use of soil.

Carpet gardening requires professional installation of a specialized system of autowatering, irrigation and drainage with a connection to domestic water supply. In appropriate climatic conditions, it is suitable for decorating building facades or for decorating huge interior spaces.

Its disadvantage is that the complex installation of the structure does not allow the use of carpet gardening in ordinary apartments.Another significant disadvantage of this type of phytowalls is the high material costs for their installation and maintenance.

Phytopanno and phyto paintings.

Compositions of living indoor plants, fixed on special stands, modules or grids, can be framed and form phyto-paintings, or phytopanes, intended for decorating various rooms.

Usually they are installed on the wall, but this is not important. Fitopanno can be placed in any corner of the apartment. In addition, phyto-paintings decorated with a beautiful baguette are an excellent and unusual gift for loved ones and business partners. Moreover, edible berries and spicy herbs can be used to create phytopan.

Framed phyto-paintings look elegant and harmoniously fit into different interior styles. They look especially exquisite with the right choice of colors of the baguette and the material from which it is made.

For lovers of the classics, a relief, massive wooden frame is suitable.In avant-garde or youth interiors, multi-colored frames will look good. And for modern styles - high-tech or loft - steel frames are perfect.

Among the undoubted "pluses" of phyto-paintings, it is worth noting:

  • mobility - they are easy to move and install;
  • light weight, which allows them to be widely used in decorating residential and public premises;
  • high environmental friendliness and safety, because the composition includes only natural elements - plants, soil and baguette materials;
  • air purification, saturation with oxygen and stabilization of the indoor microclimate;
  • the ability to include in any style of interior space;
  • a variety of sizes - ready-made and custom-made, allowing phyto-paintings to be used as aesthetic gifts.

One of the main disadvantages of green panels is the high price of their ready-made options. An alternative would be to create phyto-pictures on your own. Vertical gardening of interiors is perfect for decorating any space, helping to create a cozy and cheerful atmosphere in it.

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