The old Karelian way to escape from mosquitoes in nature

Mosquitoes are an unpleasant and annoying accompaniment to rest or work in nature. Their bites are quite painful. In addition, insects can carry dangerous diseases. In different regions of Russia there were cases of malaria, dirofilariasis, tularemia.

Protection methods

There are many ways to keep yourself safe. Special aerosols, gels, pencils are used. The smells of aromatic oils of geranium, lavender, citrus fruits are not to the taste of mosquitoes. Partly protected by specially selected clothing made of thick fabric.

Karelian way

In the absence of the necessary funds, the old Karelian method of protection from flying bloodsuckers will help. In regions such as Karelia, every summer is accompanied by insect bites. Many lakes, rivers, high humidity - just a paradise for mosquitoes. Therefore, local residents know effective ways to scare away.

The anthill will help with this. Finding him in any forest is not difficult. After ants stay on the surface of objects, a special sourish enzyme remains. It gives off a pungent odor that mosquitoes hate. Therefore, they are not near the anthills. Formic acid is an environmentally friendly product that will help you spend the whole day in nature absolutely free of charge, without suffering from the attacks of flying vampires.

What need to do

Moisten a handkerchief or any fabric in water, spread it and put it on the anthill. Hold for 5 minutes. Turn over to the other side and leave for another 5 minutes. Shake off all the ants.

Before applying, be sure to check for an allergic reaction. Rub a small area of ​​skin on your wrist or at the bend of your elbow. If redness and itching do not appear within a few minutes, wipe your face and exposed skin. Protection throughout the day is guaranteed.

You can just hold your hands with your palms down over the anthill at a distance of 1 cm.If even the ants bite a little, you should be patient, because this will guarantee that formic acid gets on your skin, which will perfectly protect against mosquitoes. After 3 minutes, rub the unprotected areas of the body with your hands.

If the skin reacts with redness, a jacket or detachable hood should be subjected to the procedure. Place the clothes on the nest for 5 minutes, and then shake well to get rid of the ants. The smell from the fabric will also scare away insects.

Blank for future use

Many avid hunters, mushroom pickers and ordinary summer residents prepare formic acid in advance in the spring, make alcohol tincture from it. Used by spraying on clothing when going to the forest, working or relaxing in the fresh air.

For a long time, Karelians, leading agriculture, have used formic acid. They protected themselves and livestock from mosquito bites and other insects. They even used it to treat joints. So formic acid is not only a protection, but also a medicine.

In the fight against mosquitoes for good rest, all means are good, especially natural and time-tested ones.

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