Danger of high beds: forewarned is forearmed

A large harvest is the concern of every summer resident, and with the arrival of good weather, he rushes to his garden. An important aspect is the arrangement of the beds, their location and maintenance. So, many gardeners prefer high beds, but not everyone knows about their shortcomings.

Appointment of high beds

High beds (boxes) for their intended purpose do not differ much from ordinary ones. Unless the former are intended for growing higher crops. They can also keep warm for much longer than simple beds.

Bins are formed for crops of various crops, so they look like a large rectangle. They are also built to reduce weeds, since a net is first laid at the very bottom so that various rodents do not crawl through, then a layer of organic matter is laid, it can be anything - sawdust, leaves, manure, etc. In conclusion, a soil layer with seeds.

Cons of boxes

High beds have significant disadvantages in their arrangement, which act as important factors in their use. The most important disadvantage is a strong drying out of the soil, as a result of which the roots of the crop die. Because of the need to increase the amount and volume of watering.

Due to the fact that the crops will be in a confined space, the summer resident will have to constantly be fed with mineral and nutrients, if this is not done, that is, the risk of developing harmful microflora.

Boxes should also be built of quality materials, since old boards, for example, will rot and become unusable in a year or two. Even boxes made of natural wood boards need to be replaced every 3-5 years.

In order to keep the crops grown healthy, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with compost in a timely manner. It is also important to monitor the development of the fungus on the walls of the garden bed, if you miss the moment of spreading, then all the earth in the box will get sick and you will have to disinfect everything completely.


Summing up, we can say that high beds are not a completely bad way of growing crops, of course, they also have a number of advantages. Recently, many summer residents give preference to ordinary beds. They do not need to apply certain material efforts, they are formed much easier than cows, the risk of reproduction of harmful organisms or soil disease is significantly reduced.

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