How can you wash the inside of the water tank from dirt and greenery

Summer residents are well aware of the situation when their water eggplant literally begins to bloom. In summer it is impossible to avoid this for a number of reasons - including heat and light. It is these two conditions that are fundamental for the formation of algae colonies on the inner walls of the eggplant. You can get rid of them in several budget ways.

Potatoes with soda to help

Even our distant ancestors washed dishes with the help of this root crop. Today, it is used to clean pans, gas stoves and even a kitchen apron. You will need 2 medium potatoes to clean the eggplant. They must be peeled and cut into small cubes. Then toss in a container and add 2 tbsp. l. baking soda.

A liter of 2 warm water will be enough for the starch and soda to mix well. It is this mixture that must be shaken for 5-7 minutes. Then wash everything off and rinse thoroughly.

Sand does not scratch

Quickly and efficiently, ordinary sand will help to cope with dirt that has run onto the walls of the eggplant. You can take it on the bank of the river or ask for a handful at a construction site. Having filled up the sand in the container, you will need to add a little water there. You need to shake such a mixture until the container shines. Actually, it is better to repeat the procedure twice within one day. And for greater purity, rinse the eggplant with mint water.

Nettle will wash away

Summer is full of nettles. The trunks of this herb will do an excellent job with the cloudy walls of the eggplant, and they will also disinfect the container well. To clean a plastic container using this method, you will need a pound of nettle and 2 liters of warm water. You can also add baking soda or citric acid - whatever is at hand. Although without their help, nettle will perfectly cope with the role of an abrasive. The main thing is to shake the container well.

Shell in the most extreme cases

You can also clean the eggplant for 5 minutes with 3-5 eggs. And you only need their shells. It will need to be crushed, but not to a powdery state. Then add 2 tsp. baking soda and 1 liter of warm water. The more you shake the container with similar contents, the better the result will be.

If suddenly the shell is not at hand, you can replace it with rice, crushed peas or millet. The effect will be no less.

Hydrogen peroxide not only from wounds

In any medicine cabinet, you can find a jar of peroxide. This is one of the best ways to disinfect containers of this size today. Peroxide is never enough, so even 100 ml is enough to remove algae from a 20-liter eggplant. Hydrogen peroxide will need to be diluted with 2 liters of water (it is possible with a large amount) and allowed to settle, while the container must be tightly closed. After shaking for a long time, rinse the eggplant thoroughly and dry it.

There are many more ways to get rid of unpleasant greens inside containers for drinking water. And they are not always limited to the use of chlorine-containing detergents, which often leave an unpleasant, pungent odor. Much safer than grandmother's time-tested secrets.

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