An easy way to grow seedlings without diving

Growing seedlings is a complex and time-consuming process. But you can simplify it if you don't dive.



Used as a container for planting the bottom of a five liter bottle, cut in half. To make it suitable for use, it must be thoroughly rinsed and treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate or other special agent.

The transparency of the walls allows you to control the flow of water during irrigation, so there is no need for drain holes at the bottom of the bottle.


First of all, you need to make drainage. To do this, you need to pour 2 cm of crushed egg shells on the bottom, which is better to pre-treat with boiling water and dry.

The next layer of drainage is 2 cm of sand. Place the sand before use for 3-5 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. Then pour 10-12 cm of the soil prepared for planting and steam it with boiling water.

On top, evenly spread out 20 seeds each with tweezers or a moistened toothpick, sprinkle with earth or sifted compost and cover with a plastic bag or stretch wrap.

When shoots appear, the coating is removed, and the bottles are exposed to a sunny window.


The big advantage of planting in a bottle is the convenience of watering. It is possible to understand when it is required, by the drying earth, and also how much water needs to be poured in as it is absorbed during watering. Do not forget the basic rule of watering: excess moisture is worse than lack of moisture.


Seedling care, in addition to watering, includes foliar processing - spraying. It is carried out after the appearance of two true leaves with a frequency of 10 days. Microbiological fertilizer "Baikal EM1" is suitable for spraying, thanks to which the growth of seedlings is accelerated, a developed root system is formed.

Plants need a lot of light and long daylight hours. It is important to turn the seedlings towards the light so that they grow evenly.

The high edges of the bottle and the sparse planting make it possible to pour earth into the container when the seedlings begin to pull out. Thus, a dive is not required, young plants with a fragile root system are not disturbed.

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