4 tips to help you choose quality seedling soil so your plants don't get sick

Strong seedlings are the key to a generous harvest. Therefore, it is very important to choose high-quality soil that will provide the developing shoot with the necessary nutrients.

Shelf life

The first thing that you should pay attention to is the shelf life of the soil. Look carefully at the date of production of the potting mix and make sure it is not expired.

The fact is that in most cases peat is the basis of the store soil. During long-term storage, peat particles gradually disintegrate into separate elements, and the process itself is accompanied by a thermal reaction. This can negatively affect the plants.


The detailed composition of the mixture must be indicated on the package. Do not be fooled by the cheap cost if the package contains only the inscription: "Soil for seedlings" and a bright picture.

The more detailed the composition, the better. The basis of any soil mixture is peat. Its content reaches 75 percent. It can be horse or lowland. The first has a characteristic reddish tint, the second is dark brown, almost black.

If possible, prefer lowland peat mix. Since the horse has high acidity, which has a bad effect on seed germination.

In addition, the decomposition of high-moor peat into components available for plants is extremely slow, therefore such a soil will be rather poor for seedlings.

In addition to peat, any mixture contains river sand or perlite as a baking powder, as well as ordinary soil, manure or compost in a small percentage.

In addition, manufacturers add components that compensate for the acidity of peat: limestone or dolomite flour, hydrated lime, or wood ash.

Also, the composition may contain useful macronutrients and various organic fertilizers. The more such additives are used, the higher the cost of the soil.

The presence of three macronutrients

When choosing a soil, pay attention to the presence of such macronutrients as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. The correct formation of plant shoots depends on their content.

True, manufacturers do not always indicate how much nutrients are contained in the mixture. This means that there is a chance of getting a soil in which macronutrients will be in short supply or in excess.

Purchase "on trial"

If you are not sure about the quality of the manufacturer, buy a small package of soil to evaluate its properties yourself. The mixture should have a dark brown color, crumbly and fibrous texture, calm, not repulsive odor.

Check if loosening components are visible in it and what is their amount in the total mass. The mixture should not show solid clumps, larvae, spores and dry plant residues.

Try to squeeze the soil in your hand and make a small lump. If you succeeded easily, then most likely the mixture is waterlogged. If it immediately crumbles into dust in your hands, then there is not enough moisture.

Spread a small amount of soil, smooth with a thin layer and wait a couple of days. If white, salt-like spots or foci of mold begin to appear on the surface, such an acquisition should be discarded.

You can also test purchased soil for acidity.To do this, it is enough to use litmus tests sold in a gardening store. You can find out how to use them on the Internet. Having evaluated your purchase in this way, you can be sure of the quality of the purchased soil.

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