If you cut down a tree on your site, you need to pay a fine or go to jail

At his summer cottage, a person rightfully feels like a full-fledged owner. I would like, of course, to be true, but no. You can plant whatever your heart desires, build, but not cut it down.

A tree that has been growing in a summer cottage for many years can eventually become unsafe for humans. Even so, unauthorized felling is prohibited. To prevent deplorable situations, it is better to immediately take a "felling ticket", for which you have to pay. If such are not provided for in the place of residence, then local authorities have the right to issue a permit for a log house.

Question from the point of view of the law

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in many cases, cutting down trees even on one's own plot entails a huge fine. Such environmental protection measures are provided not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

Most of the issues related to tree cutting are resolved at the local government level. In addition, articles are provided: 260 in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and 8.28 in the Code of the Russian Federation. The listed documents can be applied in any cases of unauthorized felling. Even more humane is Article 261 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It says that even harming a tree that stops its growth will be punished with an impressive fine.

With what and how the amount of damage is calculated

Various parameters are taken into account when determining the amount of the fine. Namely:

  • Species (the species of the felled tree will affect the value of the already matured timber).
  • Age. This parameter determines whether the tree has managed to reach a certain state. The young - the cost is less, the old - more.
  • Height and diameter (the criteria are the same as with age. More is more expensive, less is cheaper).

The unit cost of cutting down a tree is calculated at the unit cost. 1 ruble per 1 m3.

Types of punishments for a log house

For a felled tree, you can get not only an impressive fine, but also receive a punishment in the form of compulsory work, as well as imprisonment for a certain period.

The size of the punishment varies from 20,000 to 150,000 rubles. They can order forced labor. Deprivation of liberty will consist of both arrest for several days and a ban on obtaining certain positions for further work.

Cutting down your trees

A saw cut becomes a head offense if a valuable breed is damaged. This list is different for each region and locality.

The administration will issue a penalty on the basis of the articles provided for this case. With rare exceptions, trees 5-60 years old reach a volume greater than the stipulated fines of 5,000 rubles. The amount will be impressive if more than one element is cut. Such a recovery sometimes exceeds 500 thousand rubles. or other measures listed above will be taken.

Unauthorized and illegal felling of a tree even on one's own plot is considered a very serious offense. For this act, you can receive not only a fine of 5,000 rubles, but also 7 years of correctional labor, depending on the harm caused to the environment.

Having thought of getting rid of a tree in your garden, you always need to think about the consequences. But in order to avoid them, it is better to obtain prior permission from the local government.

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    1. AvatarAlexander Nikolaev

      Zoya Komarova's article is misinformation (about trees on her site). Read carefully the latest comments on Art. 261 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

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