How can burning bay leaves in the house help?

Bay leaves are present in every home in the kitchen. The spice is used to improve the taste of ready-made meals. Not many people know about the magical and medicinal properties of this amazing plant.

The uniqueness of lavrushka

The benefits of burnt laurel were known in Ancient Greece and Rome. The plant has a beneficial effect on the human body and energy at home:

  • purifies indoor air and aura in the house. A properly performed ritual makes the owners peaceful, calm. The method helps to reduce the appearance of stressful, depressive conditions;
  • eliminates pain, relaxes the body. Acts as a natural antidepressant;
  • the aroma of burnt laurel prevents the occurrence of an epileptic seizure. Normalizes sleep, relieves fatigue.

It has a beneficial effect on the organs of the respiratory system. When coughing, it improves sputum discharge.

Lavrushka from the evil eye and damage

Signs of damage, the evil eye include scandals and quarrels in the family, numerous diseases, debt obligations. Using a bay leaf, it is easy to determine whether a person was affected by evil magic or not.

It is enough to light a dry spice and evaluate the behavior. Off - a signal of envy, impregnation of the house with negative. Letting out a lot of black smoke - damage specially sent.

Getting rid of evil magic is easy. A sprig of laurel is set on fire and the whole house is fumigated with smoke, special attention is paid to the corners. Additionally, put 2-3 bay leaves on a dry, hot frying pan. At this time, it is imperative to read a protective prayer.

Fulfillment of desires

There is a belief that lavrushka helps to make cherished desires come true. Using black marker, write the dream on the plant. Beforehand, the person's attitude must be positive. Set fire to the leaf, representing desire while burning.

The idea of ​​a dream come true will strengthen the ritual. Negative and negative thoughts will lead to a similar phenomenon. Rinse off remaining ash with cold water.

Raising money

The smoke from burning a plant has a stimulating effect on human energy centers, which later begin to work correctly. The 2nd chakra, located below the navel, is responsible for financial well-being. There is sometimes a build-up of tension that impedes the flow of wealth energy.

The smell of burnt leaf removes the blockages present, changes negative attitudes associated with money. For best results, setting fire to the plant should be combined with meditation.

Get into a comfortable position. Send the ignited spice into a glass jar, and place a bill next to it. Close your eyes and imagine how the second chakra is filled with orange light, warmth.

A burnt bay leaf improves the general condition of a person, purifying the energy field and aura of housing. Properly performed rituals help desires come true, improve material well-being, relieve depression and get rid of stress.

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