Planting cherries in the fall: telling the subtleties of technology

Each gardener decides for himself when cherry planting will be carried out - in autumn or spring. The decision depends on many factors: the region, winter forecasts, varieties and condition of the seedlings. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages, but gardeners most often lean towards planting cherries in the fall.

Spring and autumn planting: pros and cons


Autumn planting has more advantages than spring planting. But in some cases, autumn planting is not possible. For example, if the region has a harsh winter with gusty winds. Therefore, before disembarking, it is worth analyzing the pros and cons of both options.

Advantages and disadvantages of autumn planting: table 1

Before frost, the seedling manages to adapt to new conditions and prepare for winteringIn a harsh winter, the seedling may freeze
Long rest period helps to recover faster from planting injuries
In the fall, the roots develop and become strong, so in the spring the tree directs all its forces to the growth of leaves
In autumn, seedlings are cheaper than in spring, due to the abundance of offers on the market

Pros and cons of spring planting: table 2

The planting hole is prepared in the fall and has time to settle during the winter, so the risk of burying the root collar is reducedAfter planting, the tree begins to root and grow at the same time, which takes a lot of effort (the tree becomes weak)
If diseases are detected, it is possible to cure the tree before the start of the growing season.There is a risk of recurrent frost if the tree is planted too early

As for the saturation of the soil, it is the same in both cases. So, in spring, the soil is wet due to melted snow, and in autumn - due to frequent rains. Therefore, the roots have enough nutrition.

Planting dates in autumn

Cherry seedlings

Planting in autumn is recommended from early September to late October, the final date depends on the region. Ground temperature and forecasts are fundamental factors. The cherries should be planted about 3-4 weeks before the first frost.

Landing time in the South, Siberia, the Urals and in the middle zone of the country

Climate features significantly affect the timing of planting. Therefore, by region, the approximate landing dates will look like this:

  • Krasnodar Territory and southern regions - from 15 to 25 October;
  • Central Russia, Moscow Region and Leningrad Region - from September 25 to October 5;
  • Siberia and the Urals - from September 1 to 15.

The ideal temperature for the survival of seedlings is + 10 ... 15 oFrom day to -2oC at night. If a planting date has already been planned, but the daytime air temperature is higher than necessary, the plant can begin to prepare for the appearance of leaves. Therefore, it is better to postpone the dates 7-8 days in advance.

Auspicious dates of the lunar calendar-2019

Observant gardeners are sure: cherries, like many other plants that stretch upwards, need to be planted on the growing moon. Lucky days for autumn planting of cherries:

  • September - 1, 5–6, 18–19, 27–29;
  • October - 2-3, 29-30;
  • November - 25–46.

Selecting and preparing a place for a seedling

Preparing the pit for planting

For mature trees, transplants are extremely painful, so you need to immediately choose a good place for a seedling. In suitable conditions and with proper care, bush cherries can live up to 18 years, tree cherries up to 25 years.

Place for cherry

An elevation that is well lit by the sun and protected from drafts is optimal. It is even better if it is a gentle slope on the south or southwest side. You should not plant a tree in a lowland, where water constantly collects after rains, and in areas that are blown through: there cherries develop very poorly.

For cherry trees, sandy loam or loamy soils with neutral acidity are suitable. It is very important to find out how deep the groundwater lies: the indicator should be at least 1.5 m. Cherries do not get along well with weeds, so all weeds and roots must be removed before planting.

Important! If there is acidic peaty soil on the site, you need to remove the top layer by at least 20 cm and replace it. Otherwise, the cherry will not develop.

Preparation of soil and planting holes

Approximately 3-4 weeks before planting, the soil must be thoroughly dug up 2-3 times. In the process, compost and superphosphate are added to the ground. Planting pits are prepared 2 weeks before the planned date so that they have time to settle. They are arranged according to the scheme 2x2 m for bushy trees and 3.5x3.5 m for tree-like ones.

The dimensions of the pit are 50x50x50 cm. After installing the seedling, they are filled with a special substrate, which must also be prepared in advance. To do this, mix:

  • top layer of soil;
  • a bucket of decayed foliage;
  • 30 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 200 g superphosphate.

If the soil is too dense, 2 buckets of river sand are mixed into it. The bottom of each pit is covered with a drainage layer of fine pebbles or crushed bricks.

Important! Before planting, the land should not be fed with nitrogen fertilizers, as well as chicken or pig manure, which contains a lot of nitrogen. This mineral is bad for rooting.

How to plant cherries: instructions

  1. Install a stake in the pit, which will help anchor the young tree, and pour 1/3 of the prepared soil to the bottom. The layer should be such that, after installing the seedling, the root collar is at ground level.A pit covered with earth
  2. Dip the roots of the seedling in a liquid clay solution and place on the north side of the support. Gently spread the roots and cover with the prepared substrate, gradually crushing the earth.Planting a seedling
  3. Tie the seedling to the support, and cut the support itself at the level of the lower branches, so as not to interfere with their development. Pour 2 buckets of water, it is also advisable to mulch the soil with dry leaves.Tying the seedling to the support and watering
  4. Sprinkle on top with soil without fertilizer and compact thoroughly.Earth compaction
  5. At a distance of 20–30 cm from the trunk, make an earthen embankment to form a hole around the tree.Hole around the tree
  6. In cold regions and regions with an unpredictable climate, pay attention to the insulation of seedlings. They are necessarily mulched, covered with spruce paws, and small greenhouses are made from a heat insulator and a layer of polyethylene.Warming a young tree

Preparing cherries for winter

Hole covered with earth

If the autumn is dry, the tree must be provided with additional watering. To do this, 2-3 times before the onset of frost, 5 liters of water are poured into the hole. After the last watering, the hole must be covered with earth so that melt water does not linger in it in spring.

Before the arrival of frost, the tree is spud. The trunk should be covered with soil by about 20-30 cm. From above, this mound should be covered with dry leaves and spruce branches. With the arrival of spring heat, the protective layer is removed, and the earth is leveled.

How to plant cherries: video

Cherry planting is possible both in autumn and spring. The main thing is to choose the right time and analyze the climatic conditions. If the winter is expected to be too harsh, it is better to plant trees in the spring or provide them with very good insulation, so the estimated forecast for the first frost will not hurt.

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