Cherry Tyutchevka - a garden beauty with healthy and tasty fruits

Fruit trees are a real decoration for any garden. One of the most popular fruit and berry trees in the Central region is the sweet cherry, because it gives its owners not only delicious fruits, but also beautiful flowers. The Tyutchevka variety is distinguished not only by its poetic name, but also by its unpretentiousness, for which it fell in love with domestic gardeners.

Description of the cherry variety Tyutchevka

Variety Tyutchevka was bred at the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine in Bryansk by crossing varieties 3–36 and Krasnaya dense. In 2001, it was entered into the State Register for the Central Region. Why the variety received such an unusual name, history is silent. Perhaps a little sadly hanging in bunches of berries reminded the author of the variety of the sad, but beautiful poetry of Fyodor Tyutchev.

Cherry Tyutchevka

Tyutchevka has a rich harvest of sweet and juicy berries

Appearance of cherry varieties Tyutchevka:

  • the tree is medium-sized and fast-growing;
  • spherical spreading crown of medium density;
  • straight and thick brown shoots;
  • large dark green leaves with a crenate edge;
  • sweet dark red fruits with dense cartilaginous pulp.

Tyutchevka belongs to the mid-late varieties. The first fruits can be harvested 5 years after planting.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Pros of the varietyCons of the variety
  1. High resistance to low temperatures. This cherry can withstand frosts down to -25 ° C without shelter. With frosts down to -35 ° C, branches that are not covered with snow can only freeze, but in the spring the tree will quickly recover.
  2. Excellent fruit taste. Sweet and juicy berries were highly rated by tasters - 4.9 out of 5 points.
  3. Long shelf life and transportability. Despite the fact that the skin of the berries is thin, it perfectly protects the fruit from damage. This allows the crop to be transported over long distances.
  1. Danger of waterlogging. Tyutchevka is afraid of rainy seasons. Due to the high humidity, the fruits may crack.
  2. Weak ability to self-pollination.
Cherries in boxes

Tyutchevka is well stored and can be easily transported

Planting and leaving

Tyutchevka is an unpretentious variety, but in order to get a rich harvest, you must carefully follow the rules of planting and care.

Sapling selection

For planting, you must choose a strong, viable young tree.

Do not fall for the bait of an unscrupulous seller who seeks to sell cherries instead of cherries. It is important to remember what the main differences are: cherry bark is gray-brown, and cherry bark is brown with a deep reddish tint; the branches of the cherry, in comparison with the cherry, are erect and strong, the tree is taller.

When choosing planting material, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • a seedling that is 2-3 years old is better suited;
  • the cutting should be strong, at least 80 cm long, with 3-4 healthy shoots;
  • a trace of grafting on the bark will convince you that this is a varietal seedling, not a wild;
  • the bark of a good seedling should be absolutely smooth;
  • the root system must have at least three branches, the length of each must not exceed 20 cm;
  • the seedling should not be completely dry or have traces of rot. If the roots are dry and brown at the cut, you need to hold the tree in water for a day before planting, and it will be saved.

Video: choosing a seedling correctly

Choosing a landing site

Cherry loves the sun and does not like the wind, so it is better to choose a secluded place for it on the south or southwest side, having thought in advance that the seedling is protected from the wind, for example, by the wall of the house. It is important to remember that the root system of sweet cherry does not tolerate even the slightest stagnation of water. Better to plant the tree on a small slope.

Soil preparation and planting

Choosing the right place is half the battle, now you need to properly prepare the soil. For Tyutchevka, loamy soil with neutral acidity is ideal. Peat, clay and sandy soils are not suitable for the tree.

A well-growing plantain indicates an increased acidity of the soil. In this case, it needs to be neutralized. To do this, sprinkle the ground with chalk or lime (at the rate of 0.5 kg per meter) and dig up.

In the southern regions, a seedling can be planted in the fall, until mid-October, and in the middle lane it is better to wait until spring. The tree will take root if you plant it in April before the buds swell. The landing algorithm looks like this:

  1. We dig a hole no later than a week before planting. The depth should be at least 50 cm, the width should be about a meter, the distance between the holes should be at least 3 m.
  2. We place fertilizers at the bottom of the hole: a bucket of humus, 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 1 tbsp. l. potash sulfur. Fertilizers should be sprinkled with earth a little so that the roots do not burn. To protect the delicate root system from burns, dip the straightened roots in an earthen or clay mash.
  3. After planting the seedling, the soil is well rammed, watered abundantly and mulched with dried grass.
Cherry sapling

After planting cherries, abundant watering and mulching are necessary.

Care features

Cherry Tyutchevka is unpretentious and does not need special care, but there are still nuances.


Organize regular watering based on the weather conditions in your area. Also warn against possible waterlogging: if the summer is very rainy, cover the ground under the tree with a film during the rains.

Top dressing

For the first 3 years, you do not need to apply any fertilizers - the tree will only need what you added to the soil when planting. Starting from the fourth year after planting, use chicken manure (diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10) or manure (preferably rotted) as top dressing. A bucket of organic fertilizer is used for each square meter of tree crown projection. It is important to remember that manure and droppings should be used no more than once every 2-3 years, because an excess of fertilizer can also harm the tree.

Sweet cherries are also useful nitrogen fertilizing, for example, urea. It must be applied in spring, preferably in rainy and warm weather. Urea application rate - 30 g per 1 m2 crown projection.

Prevention of diseases and pests

For this purpose, "dusting" with ash is suitable. It can be lightly sprayed on the trunk and branches (add a little water and soap shavings for this), and also sprinkle the ground under the tree.


Formative pruning of cherries is not needed, but in the fall you need to carry out a sanitary one - remove all diseased and damaged branches, and cover the cuts with garden pitch.

Cherry crown formation

Cherry does not need mandatory pruning


It is important to remember that Tyutchevka has a weak ability to self-pollinate (only up to 6% of ovaries). Therefore, the tree needs a “right” neighbor with a suitable flowering period: this guarantees the tree pollination, and you - a high yield. The best neighbors for Tyutchevka are the cherries of the varieties Revna, Ovstuzhenka, Iput, Bryanskaya rozovaya, Bryanochka, Lena, Raditsa.

By the way, a tree on the next site is also suitable. Insects will definitely look from him to you.But if you decide not to rely on your neighbors, plant several trees at once on your site.

Photo gallery: varieties of cherries that bloom at the same time as Tyutchevka

Reviews of gardeners about the cherry varieties Tyutchevka

No matter how high the characteristics of the variety, there is a lot of work and patience behind all this. Therefore, it is worth getting to know the experience of those who have already done this path and share their opinions and advice.

My Tyutchevka grows and bears fruit. But in my conditions it begins to ripen on the 20th of July, the rains are just beginning. For the third year, it is bearing fruit and has never fully ripened one hundred percent, from the rains it bursts, wasps, flies come. It is of course still tasty, sweet and everyone likes. But if I planted cherries now, I would have planted something earlier that would have ripened in June, even before the rains, for example, Iput. By the way, on the seedlings of Tyutchevka sown the year before last, this spring I have already grafted early varieties of Ultra and Italian.

Valery Gor

A modern cherry variety with a whole range of useful and necessary signs for any summer resident is both sufficient self-fertility, and the modest size of the tree, and resistance to diseases, pests, frost and drought, as well as early entry into the season of fruiting and, of course, excellent taste and fruit color, which is good in compote, and fresh when full of sweet juice. The fruits have a bizarre wide-rounded shape, a dark red "outfit" pleasant to the eye and surprisingly juicy, tasty red pulp. The variety can be advised to plant on your site also because its fruits are very pleasant to collect. The thing is that their stalk is thick and rather long, and the berries themselves break away from it easily, almost without effort, and the ripe ones hang on the branches without falling, as if waiting for you. Due to the fact that the fruits are well transported, you can easily take them from the dacha to the house.


It remains to wish the one who decided to grow the beautiful cherry Tyutchevka on his plot, patience and a good harvest. The choice of a variety is important. Having got acquainted with useful information, having weighed all the pros and cons, do not forget to take into account the individual characteristics of your site, listen to your experience and intuition. With proper care, Tyutchevka will not disappoint you, but, on the contrary, will give you an excellent harvest year after year.

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