15 of the most unusual fruits in the world

The world's most unusual fruits grow in warm and humid climates. For residents of northern latitudes, the sight, smell and taste of such fruits is a fantasy that is hard to believe.


Durian close up

It grows in the tropics and is famous for its scent, combining aromas of garlic, rotten egg and rotting onions. At the same time, the flesh of this "hedgehog" is juicy and sweet, with an almond flavor.

Durian on a tree

Citron finger (Buddha's hand)

Finger citron on a plate

Thick-skinned octopus lemon. It grows in China and Japan, has a bitter and sour taste and smells like ... violet.

Finger citron on a branch


Kiwano close up

Fruit from New Zealand, yellow on the outside and green on the inside. The taste of the jelly-like pulp combines notes of cucumber, banana and avocado.

Kiwano on a branch



Originally from Central and South America. It tastes sweet and is considered a dietary product, because it contains a minimum of calories. It is customary to brew tea from pitaya flowers.

Pitaya in nature



Artificially bred in the USA. The fruit looks like a green cone with a mango and pineapple flavor. The pulp resembles sour cream and melts in your mouth.

Atemoya on a branch



Grows in Africa, Australia and Southeast Asia. The juicy red-orange fruits taste like pineapple.

Pandanas on the tree

Chinese strawberry

Chinese strawberry

It is the fruit of a tree native to East Asia. They are similar in smell and taste to strawberries, only slightly tart.

Chinese strawberries on a branch



Liana with fragrant buds, from which grow purple raspberry-flavored fruits. This "cucumber" grows in East Asia.

Akebia on a tree

Baltic herring

Baltic herring is one of the most unusual fruits in the world

This plant is native to Southeast Asia and is famous for its fruits, whose skin resembles snake skin. The pulp of the fruit is refreshingly tasty and is similar to pineapple, banana and nut at the same time.

Baltic herring on the tree



Another fruit from the Asian southeast. The consistency resembles fatty fried chicken, and the taste is tender condensed milk or creamy ice cream.

Marang on a tree



An unusual fruit native to South America. Its fruit taste is typically cherry, but with a subtle bitterness.

Pitanga on the branches



A tropical star growing in southern Asia. It tastes sour or sweet. Unusual fruits look very beautiful on a tree, as if emitting a yellow light.

Carambola on wood



The homeland of the fruit with the Anglo-American name is tropical India, and its taste is a berry assortment reminiscent of childhood chewing gum. The pulp is juicy, stringy, and sometimes crispy.

Jackfruit in nature



Grows in the foothills of Central America. The taste is a combination of pineapple, banana, mango, papaya and strawberry, drenched in heavy cream.

Cherimoya on a branch



The fruit comes from the shores of the Amazon. It is famous for its unique scent of chocolate with pineapple, but its taste is more similar to pear and banana.

Cupuasu on a branch

It remains to be hoped that all this splendor will soon be available in domestic stores.

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