Pear Chizhovskaya: recommendations for planting and cultivation, tips for avoiding agronomists

Experts distinguish pears by color, shape, type of taste, presence of stony inclusions. This list does not exhaust all the characteristics, but shows how diverse the criteria for evaluating fruits are. And all because all the nuances are important for connoisseurs of tender juicy pears. Meet the Chizhovskaya pear, an unpretentious and fruitful inhabitant of summer cottages in the north of Russia.

The history of the origin of the variety Chizhovskaya

Approximately in the middle of the last century, the Chizhovskaya pear was obtained from the varieties Olga and Lesnaya Krasavitsa at the Timiryazev Academy. The authors of the variety: S. T. Chizhov and S. P. Potapov are employees of Timiryazevka, and Sergey Tikhonovich Chizhov was engaged in selection at his summer cottage.

Sergei Tikhonovich planted trees of very resistant, but hardly edible varieties (Olga and Tema), the so-called "lukashovoks" obtained at the beginning of the 20th century in the Far East by A. Lukashov from crossing the most viable, but completely inedible wild Ussuri pear with southern varieties ...

So, at first glance, the seemingly ordinary life of a modest associate professor, in fact, turned out to be life in two bright flames: the first - formed graduation after graduation of the specialists in selection of the Timiryazev Academy, the second - illuminated the creation of pear varieties unprecedented in our gardens. Descriptions of these varieties and numerous varieties of Timiryazevka: Cathedral, Moskvichka, Otradnenskaya, Rogneda, Lipenskaya, Akademicheskaya, etc., without the work of Sergei Tikhonovich, there would never have been ...

I. S. Isaeva,

Since 1993 the variety has been included in the State Register and recommended for cultivation in the North-West, Central, Volgo-Vyatka and Middle Volga regions. Most often, this pear variety is found in the Moscow region..

Harvest pear Chizhovskaya

The harvest pear Chizhovskaya is often found in areas of the Moscow region

Description and characteristics of the pear variety Chizhovskaya

The trees are of the standard type, medium-sized, have a well-leafy pyramidal crown. Crown density is average, skeletal branches are gray, shoots are red-brown. Leaves are of medium size, elongated-oval, green, without pubescence, with serrated irregularities along the edge. The flowers are medium in size, with a white cup-shaped corolla, collected in inflorescences of five to seven. The edges of the petals are solid.

Pear flowers

Pear flowers are collected in inflorescences

Fruits are of medium size or less, the weight of one fruit usually ranges from 100-120 g. In shape, elongated pear-shaped, with a smooth matt dry surface. Skin color is greenish-yellow with noticeable subcutaneous dots. Blush is absent or very weak. The pulp is light yellow, almost white, dense, juicy, without stony inclusions. The aroma is weak. The taste is pleasant, sweet with sourness, semi-oily. The seeds are brown, medium in size. The number of seeds in fruits is 5-10 pcs.

The purpose of the fruit is universal. Eaten fresh, dried and canned. Compotes and confitures are especially good: when boiling, the aroma of a pear is revealed more fully.How pleasant it is to drink tea with jam on long winter evenings and remember the country!

Pear jam

The hot sun and the aromas of summer are sealed in pear jam

We were lucky to acquire a plot with a fruiting Chizhovskaya pear tree. Of course, the former owner warned about the coming big harvest, but we were inclined to consider this an exaggeration, a publicity stunt in order to better sell the site. And now summer has come. By mid-August, we were faced with a choice: what to do? Even our rather big family could not eat such a quantity of pears. Overripe amber fruits smashed to the ground, turning the paths into mush, and us into targets for wasps. I had to save the harvest, give boxes with juicy fruits to neighbors and friends, make jam-jams. But pear vinegar was the highlight of the season. The reserves of that year were long enough. Now we are already regulating the yield of our beauty by picking off flowers. But you do not have to fight with wasps, and there are less losses from litter - each fruit is torn off and savored in time.

Chizhovskaya pear is mid-season. Fruit ripening occurs at the end of summer. The variety is self-fertile.

Chizhovskaya can serve as a good pollinator for pear varieties Lada, Rogneda.

Blooming pear tree

Abundant flowering of Chizhovskaya pear promises a wonderful harvest

The yield is high and stable. On average, about 50 kg of fruits are harvested from a tree. To preserve the fruits of Chizhovskaya, they are harvested before full maturity. According to some reports, at low temperatures, a pear can lie for up to 120 days. Transportability is average. With larger yields, the size of the fruit is smaller. They also become smaller due to the aging of the trees, therefore it is proposed to carry out anti-aging pruning of pears.

The tree begins to bear fruit early, in the third or fourth year after planting.

The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and scab resistance. Unfavorable weather conditions, heat and lack of moisture do not have a big impact on the yield.

Advantages of the variety: stable high yield, winter hardiness, resistance to scab and unpretentiousness, disadvantages: shrinking of fruits with aging of trees, weak aroma.

Planting pear Chizhovskaya

This pear variety is planted on slightly acidic soils, far from the occurrence of groundwater. Choose the sunny side of the site, but a slight partial shade will not affect the growth of the seedling. It is usually recommended to plant two seedlings of different varieties on the plot, but the Chizhovskaya pear is self-fertile, you can be content with one tree.

For landing:

  1. They dig a hole 50–60 cm deep and 100 cm in diameter.

    Landing pit

    The size of the planting hole provides a free arrangement of the pear seedling roots

  2. At the bottom, a mound of nutritious soil is poured, consisting of equal shares of humus, sand and its own soil.

    Refueling the pit

    Humus, sand and soil are poured at the bottom of the pit

  3. On the south side, a planting stake is installed on a mound, and a seedling is placed behind it so that the roots lie freely on the ground.

    Landing stake

    The landing stake is located on the south side

  4. The rest of the soil mixture is poured, trampled well, forming a hole. Water abundantly.

    Well formation

    Watered abundantly

  5. The trunk circle is mulched.


    Mulch with humus

Seedlings must be purchased from trusted suppliers to be sure of the variety and quality of planting material. If the trees are sold in containers with a closed root system, then the planting itself is much easier. The main thing is to make sure that the root collar of the seedling is five to six cm above the soil level. Then the earth will settle, and everything will fall into place.


The root collar is located slightly above the soil level

The best time to plant a Chizhovskaya pear is spring or early autumn.

Features of growing and caring for pears of the Chizhovskaya variety

In the spring, when the soil around the trunk dries up, you need to loosen the soil around the trunk, providing the roots with oxygen and preventing the growth of weeds. You don't need to dig deep, so as not to damage the roots, it is quite enough to work with a hoe or a Fokin flat cutter.

It is important to provide trees with weighty water-charging irrigation. In this case, due to a lack of moisture, the ovary will not fall off.After adding water, the trunk circle is mulched with humus, ensuring a constant supply of organic fertilizers. In addition, mulch suppresses weeds and prevents moisture from evaporating. On hot dry days, on the contrary, it protects superficially located roots from overheating.

During the season, in the absence of rain, trees must be shed well at least four times before flowering, during flowering and ovary formation, and immediately after harvest. Before the onset of cold weather, about a month, you need to water each tree well again.

In order for the trees to winter safely, they carry out the autumn whitewashing of the trunks and main skeletal branches.

Video: agronomist Pyotr Savelievich Sharkov on the correct pruning of pears

In early spring, you need to check the condition of the branches, remove broken, dry and frozen branches. Do not leave crowns growing inward, drooping, crisscrossing and rubbing shoots. This is a sanitary pruning of trees.

To form a crown:

  1. Young seedlings are cut at a height of 75–85 cm.
  2. All weak shoots and awakened buds at a height of up to 50 cm are removed, leaving 3-4 multidirectional shoots.
  3. They form a sparse-tiered crown, each year laying branches of a new tier.
  4. After the laying of the main skeletal branches, the central conductor is cut to the side branch.

After the formation of the longline crown, it remains to thin it out annually, to remove top shoots, since the pear has a powerful shoot-forming ability. We must try not to run trees. Intensive pruning thereafter causes them a lot of stress.

Pruning pear

Every year, they carefully form the crown of the pear, removing all excess shoots

Although Chizhovskaya is resistant to diseases, summer residents with experience in growing pears very closely monitor the condition of the country equipment, disinfecting pruners and garden knives so as not to transfer bacterial infections to the trees.

Pear Chizhovskaya

Taking care of trees gives tangible results in the form of excellent fruits

Caring for the Chizhovskaya pear is simple. It is important to be consistent and patient, and the tree will reward you with a generous harvest of juicy tender fruits.

Reviews about the variety Chizhovskaya

Re: Chizhovskaya Quote: Posted by Rostovchanka: Harvest from a tree up to 50 kg

Obviously, we are talking about the average. I have one tree gives about 50 kg, another about 100, rare years less. In the Michurinsky Garden of the TSKHA, they showed me a tree from which they collected 200 kg of fruits. For my taste, so far I do not see any competitors of Chizhevskaya in terms of the sum of signs in the Moscow region. The crown is prone to thickening. Timely pruning can increase the size of the fruit and yield. The trees are 20 years old. Sincerely, Victor.

Victor 55. Kolomna, Moscow region

This year, for some reason, Chizhevskaya's fruits are two times smaller than last year. And there are many wasps. You remove a pear from a tree with a gnawed hole, and wasps begin to crawl out of it in "slender rows." Sometimes there are 5 pieces from a pear.

Lev. Obninsk

Re: Chizhovskaya

Message from Victor 55: in the Michurinsky garden of the TSKHA they showed me a tree from which they collected 200 kg of fruit.

For my taste, so far I do not see any competitors of Chizhevskaya in terms of the sum of signs in the Moscow region.

More than 10 years ago I bought cuttings of this variety there. This season, grafting in the crown gave a very large harvest (not the first). For residents of Ukraine, the variety is of no interest, because The frost resistance that it withstands in the Moscow region is not needed by anyone here, and all other characteristics are at the level of wild forms. Accordingly, therefore, a huge yield of this variety is not needed here. This year in the Poltava region it has matured in the third decade of July. Now, on August 1, 2017, there are several fruits left in the crown. This information is not in order to belittle the significance of the variety, but for the fact that it must be chosen taking into account the region of cultivation, and for the whole of Ukraine it is not valuable.

ilich1952 Old Timer

This year's harvest at Chizhovskaya looks to be fantastic icon_eek.gif. Especially considering its incredible size ...

... And we need a couple of dozen fruits.Considering the size of the crop, and even that everything ripens almost simultaneously and the fruits do not lie for more than a week, problems arise. sml20.gif And so, yes, very tasty and problem-free.

Lydia. Dacha 80 km south of Moscow, Mikhnevo-Shugarovo

Pear Chizhovskaya began to bear fruit for 2 years after planting the seedling, bears fruit every year. It tolerates frost in winter and drought without any visible consequences.

Vyacheslav. Samara

Some summer residents call this pear Chizhevskaya. But Chizhevsky is the author of the ionizer chandelier, and the creator of this variety is Sergei Tikhonovich Chizhov, thanks to whose efforts the pear has become a constant companion of summer residents even in cold climates.

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