Apricot Triumph North - getting to know the variety

During its long history, the Triumph Severny apricot deserves many words of gratitude. After all, this variety can be found in cold regions, where it grows and bears fruit, unlike other thermophilic apricot varieties. The Northern Triumph is not afraid of frosts below 30 ° C, it has excellent immunity and it brings harvest even in the absence of pollinators.

The history of the creation of the apricot variety Triumph North

During the existence of apricot trees, a stereotype has developed that this culture grows only in the southern regions. But breeders have developed many varieties that refute this opinion. Among them is the famous Triumph North apricot for many years.

Apricot Triumph North

Apricot Triumph North is well known not only in central Russia, but also in cooler regions.

Triumph Severny is the result of well-thought-out selection work. The apricot was born by crossing two old varieties with remarkable characteristics:

  • Red-cheeked is a truly unique southern hybrid, registered in 1947. It is hardy, flexible and highly productive;
  • Seedling of the Trans-Baikal apricot Severny early - a tree resistant to frost and heat.

The famous Soviet breeder A.N. Venyaminov. Breeding and variety trials were carried out in the Central Black Earth Region. It was there that the new variety became widespread. In addition, Triumph Severny is successfully grown in regions with a more severe climate.

Apricot Triumph North - video

Characteristics and description of apricot Triumph North

I would like to start the description of the Triumph of the North with its characteristics, because they are the main criteria when choosing any variety.

  1. Despite the fact that the tree blooms very early, the harvest ripens only in late July or early August. These are indicators of the average ripening period.
  2. Ripe fruits do not fall off immediately, which makes it possible to slowly harvest.
  3. The Northern Triumph is one of the universal fruits. Fresh fruits are the most tasty and healthy. But they also make excellent jams, preserves, compotes. In addition, the fruits can be dried and frozen.
  4. The early maturity is good. After planting a one-year-old seedling, you don't have to wait long for the harvest. The first fruits will be tied already in 3-4 years.
  5. The yield of the variety is good - the figure reaches 64 kg per tree. By the way, the yield level grows from year to year, and by the age of 10 it reaches its maximum. Many sources point to periodicity in fruiting.
  6. The fruit-bearing period of the grafted tree is about 25 years. This period can be extended provided that the pruning is performed correctly.
  7. Despite the relative large fruit size, with poor agricultural technology, the weight of the apricot can be reduced by almost half, and then the tree will be covered with medium-sized fruits of 25-30 g.

    Apricot fruit

    With proper care, the Triumph North apricot fruits delight in size

  8. The Triumph Severny does not need pollinators, the variety is self-fertile. This quality is especially valuable for owners of small plots, since there is no need to plant pollinating varieties.
  9. Frost resistance is perhaps one of the main advantages of the variety. This indicator reaches -30 ° С. Wood can even withstand up to -40 ° C. Flower buds are a vulnerable spot, sometimes they can be severely affected by sudden temperature fluctuations.
  10. The variety has good disease resistance, especially fungal character. But there are diseases that are especially dangerous for the tree:
    • cytosporosis;
    • moniliosis;
    • verticilliasis;
    • clasterosporium disease.

Description of the Triumph Severny variety

An adult tree immediately attracts attention with its large growth - 4 - 5 m in height. The crown is spreading and wide. Large perennial branches (usually called skeletal branches) are thick, growing at an angle of 45 °, sometimes a little more. The branching is average. The leaves are large, with a pointed tip.

The appearance of the fruit is attractive. Rounded oval shape. Apricots are quite large, with an average weight of 55 g. The skin is not too thick, has a slight pubescence and is colored in warm yellow-orange tones. Where the fruit is well lit by the sun, a thick, deep red blush appears. On the shady side, the main color can be slightly green. The large bone is easily separated from the pulp. The kernel is sweet and quite edible. The kernel tastes like almond, as does the smell.

Apricot fruit on the tree

From the sunny side, the apricot fruits are covered with a bright blush

The color scheme and shape of the Triumph Severny apricot fruit reminds many of the cherry plum.

The orange juicy pulp is very tender, literally melting in the mouth. The taste is pleasant, sweet. But the skin may be slightly sour. Despite this, the assessment of the tasters is high - from 4.2 to 5 points.

Apricot fruits Triumph North in a plate

Apricot fruits Triumph North are attractive and tasty

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety - table

Quick entry into fruitingThe fruiting process is not stable,
a good year gives way to a rest period
Suitable for growing in cold
Early flowering subject to return frosts
or heavy fogs can negatively affect
Has great taste and versatility
fruit destination
The height of the tree makes harvesting difficult
Good frost resistance and immunity
Ripe fruits hold tightly to the branches
Apricot blossom

Due to early flowering, the yield of the Triumph Severny apricot may suffer from recurrent frosts


For planting the Triumph of the North, choose a well-lit southern or southwestern area so that the fruits are more sugary. From soils, the variety prefers loam. The main requirements for the soil:

  • acidity is neutral;
  • good looseness and water permeability.

Do not plant in lowlands due to early flowering. The accumulated masses of cold air and stagnant water are not the best conditions for the growth and fruiting of the variety. If there is no other way out, construct an artificial hill for landing.

Sapling on the hill

If the site is flooded - an artificial hill is the only way out for planting apricots

Given the climatic features of the regions of tolerance, it is best to plant seedlings in the spring, before the juices begin to move. A nutrient mixture consisting of fertile soil, humus and mineral fertilizers is introduced into the planting pit, which is prepared in advance.

If you buy a seedling with a closed root system, then it can be planted even in summer.

The rest of the process is the same as planting other varieties.

Growing features

After planting the Severny Triumph, you need to immediately start forming a crown of a sparse-tiered type, which is carried out according to the standard procedure. This is extremely important for the variety due to the high growth of the tree. With the help of pruning, the height is limited to 3.5 m, which greatly facilitates plant maintenance and harvesting. In the future, it is necessary to carry out thinning and sanitary (as needed) pruning.

Pruning is carried out in the spring, when the threat of frost has already passed, but the buds have not yet blossomed.

garden var

After pruning, be sure to process the cuts with garden pitch.

Watering and feeding

Triumph Severny has a positive attitude towards irrigation, but it is necessary to take into account precipitation. If it rains periodically, then healthy mature trees can be watered less often, especially since a powerful root system is able to extract water from deep soil layers on its own. Seedlings are watered more often, pouring 1 - 2 buckets of water under a young plant.

For irrigation, grooves are dug along the perimeter of the crown, where water is poured. After moistening, the soil is loosened or mulched with humus or manure, which not only retain moisture in the roots, but also saturate the soil with nutrients.

For normal growth and fruiting, the Triumph North apricot must be fertilized 2 - 3 times during the growing season. Top dressing is applied in the form of a solution.

The variety has a negative attitude towards an excess of nitrogen, so the dosage must be strictly observed. But potassium is simply necessary to improve the quality of flowering and growth of ovaries.

Potash fertilizer

Despite the fact that apricot fruit is a source of potassium, the tree itself needs this nutrient.

Autumn chores and preparation for winter

Autumn ends the season. Because how competently you prepare the Triumph North apricot for winter, its growth and fruiting next year depends.

If there is no precipitation in the fall, be sure to carry out water charging. Of the fertilizers, only a composition containing potassium, phosphorus and calcium is used. You can use wood ash rich in the same elements.

Be sure to insulate the seedlings, and this applies not only to the root area, but also to the trunk and skeletal branches. Mature trees withstand frosts well, but so that the bark does not suffer from frost cracks, it is cleaned and whitewashed. The trunk and branches no longer need to be wrapped, but the roots still need insulation. To do this, it is enough to cover the root zone with a 15 cm layer of mulch. If the snow cover in winter allows you to collect a snowdrift around the tree, then this will be an additional natural insulation for the apricot.

Preparing an apricot seedling for winter

Seedlings of the Northern Triumph must be insulated with any breathable material

Prevention and treatment of diseases

When well cared for, the Triumph Severny apricot shows excellent disease resistance. Nevertheless, experienced gardeners carry out prevention by spraying the tree several times during the season with fungicides. You need to be especially careful in rainy and damp weather, it is these conditions that are most favorable for the onset and development of fungal infections.

What means can be used to fight apricot diseases Triumph North - table

Name of the diseaseWhat means are used for
fight her
  • Zircon;
  • 0.3% copper oxychloride solution;
  • 0.1% solution of Topsin;
  • 0.02% solution of Skor.
  • Fundazol;
  • Previkur.
Clasterosporium disease
  • 1% solution of copper sulfate;
  • 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid;
  • Nitrafen.
  • Topaz;
  • Speed;
  • Kuprozan.

Reviews of the apricot variety Triumph North

The triumph of the North does not care about frost at -22, breeds even after -32 degrees.


Varieties for more than 10 years - Northern Triumph, Nectar, Lel. A good harvest happens every 4 years ... and mostly rare fruits. 2006 and 2009, of course, there was no flowering or harvest. half of the apricots generally under the saw ...


The variety turned out to be very successful for the Middle Lane. Even in my northern part of the Moscow region, the variety shows excellent winter hardiness of both skeletal branches and fruit buds, which survived -37 this winter. Bloomed for 3 years after grafting on a thorny seedling.

The taste is good, the average fruit size is 40 grams.It is practically not damaged by diseases, but before moniliosis, like other apricots, it is powerless. Sugar is gaining well here. Of course, in terms of taste, it cannot be compared with good southern varieties, but for the Middle Strip it is very good. In comparison with other varieties that grow in me, it is the best.


On a neighboring plot, an apricot of the Triumph Severny variety has been growing for 5 years. A tall, strong tree, this summer about 3 kg of fruits were collected from it, quite large and tasty. In addition to all other advantages, it is also self-fertile. IMHO, this variety is most suitable for our conditions in the south of the Moscow region (Chekhov)


The excellent taste of the delicate pulp of Triumph Severny apricots is highly appreciated by fruit lovers. And how many benefits are fresh fruits! Growing a tree is not difficult, you just need to follow simple rules and take into account the nuances associated with this particular variety. As a reward, a generous tree will give you a large harvest, from which you can prepare many goodies for the winter.

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