What does a snowdrop look like and a photo of flowers

The snowdrop is the first to come to life after the long winter cold. First, green leaves appear on it, and then a white bud, similar to a bell with a drooping head, appears. This flower is not afraid of either snow or frost. The appearance of snowdrops in the garden foreshadows the imminent onset of spring. You can find photos of snowdrop flowers in our gallery.

Flower description

In scientific literature, the plant is called galanthus... Snowdrop is a perennial herb and belongs to the Amaryllis family. It is distributed in the territory:

  • Crimea;
  • Southern Europe;
  • Asia Minor;
  • Caucasus.

No one can accurately name the existing number of snowdrop varieties. This plant of a low herbaceous culture has two linear leaves, which reach 20 cm in length... These leaves come out immediately together with peduncles. A single bell is surrounded by a white perianth, which consists of 6 leaves. The three petals are outer and elliptical. The three inner leaves are wedge-shaped and have a green speck at the top. The flower has a pleasant smell, but it is very weak.

The plant has round, box-shaped fruits with 3 compartments, which contain a small amount of black seeds. The seeds have a succulent appendage that attracts ants. The ants take them away and thereby multiply the flower.

The snowdrop bulb has conical or ovoid, which has a compact group of modified leaves emerging from one common base. Snowdrop flower photo:


Siberian snowdropsThe most suitable time for planting a snowdrop is from July to September. If the autumn is warm for a long time, then the landing can be extended until November. Currently, the snowdrop is already being sold in bloom, which is not correct. After the flower is planted in the ground, all the leaves will wither and fall off, and then completely die off. This bulb becomes very weak. The next year, the plant may bloom weakly or will not bloom at all and will die.

The plant bulb does not like drying. Therefore, do not keep them outdoors for more than a month. If it is not possible to plant the onion, you can sprinkle it with shavings and sawdust and place it in a bag. When planting, the snowdrop bulb is placed in the soil to a depth equal to two bulbs if the soil is loose. And to a depth equal to one bulb, if the soil is heavy. Moreover, in both cases, the bulb must not be deepened by more than 5 centimeters. A photo:

The flower has the peculiarity of itself determining the depth to which the root system will be distributed. If the bulb is planted deeply, then it will form another bulb on the peduncle, which will grow at the required depth.


The plant loves dark, but sun-warmed places and good drainage. For wild species, when planting, you must choose the most illuminated place. This type of snowdrop is winter hardy. In the fall, you can cover with a layer of loose compost.

Fertilize this plant with extreme caution. The flower does not like fresh manure. It is best to fertilize the flower with mineral fertilizers.


As mentioned earlier, the amaryllis family includes 18 types of snowdrop... The most famous are:

  • How to plant snowdropsSnow-white snowdrop. It grows in the forests of the Carpathians.The flower reaches a height of 15 centimeters. This type includes Lutescens, it has an identifying yellow spot; Viridapis, blooming in February; terry Flore Pleno; as well as Ophelia and others.
  • Snowdrop Elwes. It grows in Asia. This species is the tallest and can reach a height of 25 centimeters. It has broad bluish-green leaves, white flowers are spherical. This species is also the earliest, the flower begins to appear in February. Currently, there are many hybrids of this species, which are distinguished by great endurance and decorativeness.
  • Other types. For example, Ikarian, Folded.

Some varieties of snowdrop have been included in the Red Data Book because the collection of flowers is uncontrolled. In the wild, meeting a snowdrop becomes more and more difficult every year.

In nature there is a coppice flower, which also appears at the first thawed patches, it is very similar to a snowdrop, only blue. It is also called blue or blue snowdrop, but in fact they are completely different plants.


Delicate flowers of snowdropsThis flower is grown both outdoors and in a pot at home. Of all the bulbs, the plant blooms the very first and in the middle of winter it already gives buds. For this, the flower must be taken out of the room.

In a warm room, the plant may die. Because the flower is cold-loving, hardy and can withstand temperatures up to ten degrees of cold. During the flowering period, the plant must be moved to a cool place.

After planting the bulb, a plant is needed within 2 months keep in a dark place... And then move it to natural light, but at the same time do not allow direct sunlight.

The optimum temperature for a plant in darkness is zero degrees, and during flowering, the maximum is 10 degrees above zero, otherwise the plant may die. When planting a bulb, the soil should be well moistened, and then not watered until the pot is transferred to the light. Further, it will be necessary to water the flower twice a week.

Snowdrop flower
Varieties and types of snowdropsWhat snowdrops look likeVarieties of varieties of snowdropsHow to care for a snowdropVarieties of snowdropsHow snowdrops bloomDescription of the flowers of snowdropsBeautiful delicate flowers of snowdropsSnowdrops and their typesBlue snowdropsGarden snowdropBeautiful white snowdropsGrowing snowdropsWhat are the varieties of snowdropsConditions for growing snowdropsGarden snowdrop

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