How and where does mimosa grow, is it a flower or a tree?

The mimosa flower is well-known and common in our open spaces. It can be found on the shelves of flower shops in early spring. Graceful twigs with small bright yellow balls and fluffy leaves beckon with their very strong and easy to remember aroma. The people began to consider this flower a symbol of the women's holiday, which is celebrated in Russia on March 8.

Information about mimosa

Most people know very little about this flower. For example, the fact that mimosa is actually a shrub, and not a flower, is known to few. And it is also from the legume family, and is actually called silver acacia or from the country of origin: Australian acacia.

This is an unpretentious plant, seemingly modest and very delicate, with a fragrant smell of flowers. Countries like France and Montenegro even have a day dedicated to him.

Mimosa grows very quickly in the form of a tree and reaches a height of 10-12 m in our country, while at home it can grow up to 45 m! The leaves are silvery-green in color, and the tree trunk itself is prickly. This color of the leaves also contributed to the name "silver acacia". Their shape is similar to fern leaves. The plant begins to bloom in winter, and ends in early spring, this is its singularity.

Plant history

Mimosa pestsIn Russia, the mimosa plant took root on the Black Sea coastas it is hot enough for her there. Currently, this plant can be found in:

  • Sochi
  • Abkhazia,
  • in the Caucasus.

But given that our climate is still significantly different from its homeland, then the height of mimosa in our territory reaches only 12 cm.

When silver acacia just started growing in our territory, in the Caucasus it was grown to decorate parks and alleys. Today it is grown there everywhere, you will not surprise anyone with it. In Sochi, it also grows at every turn, most of them simply do not pay any attention to it. But in the regions of the north there is no such possibility, so the counters of flower shops are replenished with them from the beginning of the March holidays.

Real mimosa is a tropical plantwhich grows in Brazil. She is called shy or touchy. This is a perennial plant, but due to the fact that every year it loses its decorative effect, they began to grow it as an annual. Its leaves, at the slightest touch, immediately fold, creating the appearance that they have wilted. But after half an hour or an hour, the leaves bloom again, if they are not disturbed. Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that the plant is so protected from tropical showers by twisting its fluffy leaves.

The same reaction in a plant occurs to shaking, to changes in temperature and before nightfall, when it tends to sleep. And it doesn't matter whether you shake the whole bush or only a part, the reaction will go from the leaves to the intact ones. In this feature, the flower is similar to sour. However, for this action the sour cherry needs several minutes, while the silver acacia folds the leaves instantly.

Total in the world there are about 500 species... Most of them grow in tropical America. Among the representatives there are:

  • Trees
  • Herbs
  • Shrubs.

Of all types, not all have a reaction to touch. And, for example, in species such as mimosa, bashful. Its flowers are pinkish-purple in color and are collected in capitate inflorescences.At home, in one period, they can grow up to 1 m in height, but in indoor conditions, it is half as much.


Mimosa plantThe flower is extremely fond of bright light and grows remarkably in direct sunlight. It is better to keep a pot with a flower on the southern windows, it will only be necessary to make a small shade at noon. It also blooms well on western and eastern windows. Mimosa is better after cloudy weather gradually accustom to the sunsunburn may not be avoided. After the first flowering, it is better to replace it with a new one, since it loses its beauty with age, and there are no problems in reproduction, it will easily grow from a seed.

The plant does not like polluted air, so if they smoke in the room, it is better to remove it from there. The optimum air temperature for a flower is 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius. At temperatures below 18 degrees, the leaves lose their ability to respond to touch. In winter, it is worthwhile to carefully ventilate the room in which the flower stands.

The soil for the plant must be loose and humusand a good drainage layer is needed at the bottom of the pot. In spring and summer, it is better to water the plant abundantly as the top layer dries out, and closer to the arrival of cold weather it is already better to reduce watering. In this case, you need to monitor and avoid overdrying or excess moisture in the soil. In summer, the soil can be fertilized with a solution of mineral fertilizers every two weeks.

Allergy sufferers should know that the plant emits pollen at the time of its flowering. Flowers fall off during this period. Mimosa can be damaged by spider mites or aphids.

Also, owners of silver acacia may be faced with the fact that leaves may turn yellow, if there is abundant watering, and will be closed even during the day. But if there is a drought for the plant, then all the leaves will fall off. The stems of the plant lose strength and stretch out if the plant has little light. And as a result of the low temperature, it will not bloom.

Mimosa flower
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    1. AvatarVasil

      This is NOT MIMOSA, but SILVER ACACIA !!!!!!!!

      Mimosa is not at all like that !!! Contrary to the accustomed mistake, in fact, mimosa has flowers like chamomile in the form of LILAC petals, and not yellow balls of SILVER ACACIA!

    2. AvatarMakurova Nadezhda Mikhailovna

      Mimosa grows very quickly in the form of a tree and reaches a height of 10-12 cm, while at home it can grow up to 45 cm ... ???

    3. AvatarMakurova Nadezhda Mikhailovna

      The article says ... "The height of mimosa in our territory reaches only 12 cm" ...

      is this the height of the tree ... or is there a typo in the article?

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