Living tree: medicinal properties, harm and contraindications

The fat woman, known as the money or living tree, belongs to the Tolstyankov family. This genus has up to 350 species, most of which grow in South and Tropical Africa, as well as in Madagascar. Moreover, its medicinal properties are known almost all over the world.

An ornamental plant that can be found at home is also called Crassula and Zhiryanka. It is a stocky tree with a hard trunk and oval, fleshy leaves. It is believed that it not only attracts money to the house, but also predicts imminent wealthif it blooms. Few, however, know that it blooms fat woman quite rare.

In addition to mystical properties, this plant also has medicinal properties, not inferior in them to the "home doctor" of aloe. A living tree is not demanding on the place and growing conditions, and therefore it can easily replace the usual plants on the windowsill, while bringing considerable benefits with its unique properties.

The benefits of the fat woman

The money tree contains a large number of useful trace elements and volatile oils, which allow the use of medicinal properties in a number of diseases. Most often, the medicinal properties of the fat woman are used as an antibacterial and antiviral drug... It is used:

  1. During the healing of wounds, insect bites and their disinfection, the plant sap also prevents the appearance of edema and eliminates itching;
  2. To combat herpes, corns and calluses;
  3. To relieve attacks of varicose veins, arthritis, arthrosis, hemorrhoids and gout;
  4. With sore throat and severe cough;
  5. It can be used for stomach and duodenal ulcers.


Money tree propertiesFor the rest, the medicinal properties of a living tree have practically no contraindications: only people with individual intolerance... In addition, it is forbidden to use a living tree in treatment for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as small children, whose body may not be prepared.

It should be noted that any treatment must be agreed with the doctor. The fact is that a living tree contains arsenic. The substance used to be often used in medicine, but now its use causes serious concern among many doctors, especially with its excessive use and self-administration. Their fears are related to the fact that the arsenic compound, which is contained in the plant, can accumulate in the body and cause poisoning.

However, it should be noted that arsenic doses in the plant are minimal and will not harm when consumed in moderation. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor in advance, especially if the diseases concern internal organs. It is also prohibited to exceed the permissible dose.

The use of a fat woman

How is the fat woman usedDepending on the type of disease, you can use the fat woman in different ways. Extracted juice or fresh leaves are most often used: as in the case of aloe, the leaves can be cut and stored for about a week in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. In this case, they will retain all the useful properties.

To obtain a medicinal juice, the leaves of a living tree are taken out, as follows washed from dirt and remove moisture by blotting with a napkin. Then the greens are finely chopped or passed through a blender. From the resulting gruel, you can squeeze juice using gauze, or use it yourself as a compress.The juice is poured into a glass container and left in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, then filtered. After that, fatty juice can be stored in the cold for up to a year.

To prepare an alcoholic tincture, 5 tablespoons of gruel are mixed with a quarter liter of vodka, poured into an opaque glass container and removed for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. It has all the medicinal properties of the plant.

The ointment is prepared on the basis of lanolin: 5 parts of lanolin are mixed with 3 parts of the juice of a living tree, 50 grams of petroleum jelly is added and placed in a water bath, stirring. After reaching a homogeneous consistency, they are transferred to a container and also put into the refrigerator. Due to its simplicity and preservation of all medicinal properties, it can be used for many ailments.

Given below are several recipes for dealing with specific diseases.

  1. Living tree and its healing powerFor sore throat, cough and other diseases of the throat: cut off a dozen leaves of a tree, squeeze out their juice and mix with a glass of water. Then gargle with a solution three times a day without swallowing. With polyposis of the nasal mucosa, douching is performed with a solution.
  2. For wounds, burns and scratches: take a few leaves of the fat woman, wash them and finely chop them into gruel. Then put on a sore spot or make a compress with a piece of gauze. It is better to use a non-dense fabric, namely gauze or cellophane, so that the healthy juice is not absorbed into it.
  3. For corns and calluses: gruel or whole leaves are also used. In the second case, they are washed and the outer film is carefully removed. After the leaves are tied to a sore spot, securing with a bandage or cellophane.
  4. With herpes and insect bites, especially blood-sucking ones: squeeze out the juice of the leaves and lubricate the skin several times a day at equal intervals, but not more than 5-6 times.
  5. In case of hemorrhoids: the juice of the fat woman is mixed with liquid petroleum jelly (the proportions should be determined by the doctor based on the nature of the disease) until complete "confluence". The mixture is impregnated with a cotton swab and tamping is carried out 2-3 times a day.
  6. For varicose veins, rheumatism and stretch marks, a compress is prepared: they take a dark glass container and fill it with chopped leaves by a third, then pour it to the top with alcohol (40%). The tincture is left for 3-4 weeks in a dark place, then it can be used to rub the muscles. It is also suitable for eliminating pain in case of nerve inflammation.
  7. For inflammatory kidney diseases: pour 5 leaves of the plant with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for an hour. The infusion is taken 15 minutes before meals three times a day, a tablespoon.
  8. For ulcers and diseases of the duodenum: folk recipes are advised to eat 1-2 leaves of a living tree once a day.

Before applying the last two methods, it is highly recommended consult your doctor.


A fat woman or a living tree is loved not only by Feng Shui fans, who believe that wide leaves are able to absorb the unfavorable energy of the house. It is often used in folk medicine along with aloe and other plants.

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