Ash tree: description, photo of tree and leaves

Ash varietiesStarting to get acquainted with ash, it must be said that it belongs to the olive family, the famous representatives of which are golden forsythia, fragrant jasmines, lilacs and other plants. For centuries ash has been associated with clear, light wood. And this fully corresponds to reality, since there is always an excess of sun in ash groves: their openwork leaves provide a sufficient influx of sunlight to provide the tree with the most comfortable growing conditions. Therefore, each leaf makes its own contribution, opening the way for the sun at the slightest breeze.


Most of the ash is presented in the form of a deciduous tree, although there are a few species that grow in the form of a shrub. Usually his can be found in the Caucasus and Ukraine... In our country, it is represented only in the southern and central regions. This tree includes more than 50 species, and this list also includes low specimens, as well as luxurious giants 40 m high.

One of the well-known representatives of ornamental species is griffith ash, whose height is limited to 1.5 m.White ash, which can reach 12 m, differs favorably from it in size. The most common within this family is ordinary ash, which, when creating the necessary conditions for it can grow up to 30 m, filling the soil around itself with seeds every year.

Ash features

Ash leavesA photo of a tree clearly shows how diverse it can be. Ash belongs to the number of light-loving plants... Its main feature is the openwork, which is provided by arcuate branches, an elongated spreading crown and transparent leaves with extremely small gaps. For a year, the plant provides a fairly significant increase in growth, the time of flowering begins in April-May, and only after that leaves begin to appear.

Ash flowers look like panicles, differ in shade, which can be white, burgundy or purple. Male and female flowers can grow on the same plant at the same time. But here important features of ash are manifested: male and female flowers grown on the same tree cannot be pollinated, since they differ in maturity. Because of this, pollen from male flowers does not have time to pass to female flowers. Therefore, there is a risk of not waiting for seeds.

Another feature of the tree is that flowers have no corollastherefore, they are of little interest to flying pollinating insects. So that this moment does not affect development, it is recommended to plant several ash trees nearby, which will allow them to be cross-pollinated. However, this does not apply only to manna ash. Pollinating insects are not indifferent to it, since its flowers contain a corolla.

Also, the tree has a different root system, which is usually associated with the growing conditions of ash. Most representatives lack a taproot, while the root system is located close to the surface. When ash is grown in conditions of insufficient moisture, a taproot grows, forming a large number of horizontal shoots that are at the level of groundwater.And if the latter are located no deeper than 1.5 m, then the ash tree will certainly be able to find the moisture it needs for normal development. Among the ash trees, there are such specimens that can provide themselves with moisture, extracting it at a depth of 3 or more meters.

Ash is perceived by many gardeners as one of the brightest elements of garden and park ensembles, therefore, many people choose it when creating landscape design. Decorative properties of wood are not subject to doubt, in addition to everything, it can provide for various forms. Based on the type of tree, the following types of trees can be distinguished:

  • monumental. Have a lush pyramidal crown;
  • weeping. Form long branches that reach the ground;
  • horizontal. In the process of development, they form broad flowers, some of which can reach the ground;
  • low spherical, etc.

In ancient times, there was a belief that this tree has the property of illuminating the world around it. This can explain the practice of planting ash near the house, since this tree could maintain peace in the family and ensure its cohesion. Therefore, if you want to see this light tree in your personal plot, then it's time to get acquainted with the peculiarities of its planting.

Ash planting

Crown of green ashA photo of a tree can make many summer residents want to plant it on their site. Ash feels better in areas that have good lighting and drained fertile soil... If there are no special problems with finding a sunny place, then special fertilizers may be required to improve the quality of the soil. First of all, the soil will have to be saturated with calcium. However, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is not waterlogged.

Also, the salinity of the soil affects the development of the tree. It is best to choose a soil that is neutral or close to it. It is unacceptable to plant ash on acidic and alkaline soils, since it will not be able to grow well in them.

The sunny side of the site can be a suitable place for young trees. Then, in a few years, a wonderful hedge will appear at your dacha. You can add even more decorativeness to it if you plant flowering shrubs in the fall.

Ash is one of the most durable plants and easily grows as a result of seeds entering the soil. Therefore, planting material can be obtained annually for planting ash in other places. The seeds of this tree look in the form of elongated lanceolate lionfishwhich are rounded on one side. They reach maturity in late September and early October. However, it is not recommended to use the seed sowing method to grow a mature ash tree as the process is time-consuming and labor-intensive. It makes sense to choose a simpler and less time-consuming method - planting seedlings.

Planting seedlings

Planting and caring for ashFirst of all, it is necessary to dig a hole, which in size should be 1/3 larger than the size of the earthen coma on the roots of the seedling. The bottom of the hole must be filled with drainage, which can be crushed stone, fine pebbles or coarse sand. Take drainage in quantity so that it filled 1/4 of the height of the fossa... After planting, the seedling should be located 10-15 cm above the soil level. When the young tree begins to grow, the earth will gradually settle, as a result of which the root collar of the ash will be equal to the level of the soil.

Even before planting a young tree, the hole must be moistened. Also, beforehand, it is necessary to dig in supports along the perimeter of the pit, which are necessary to ensure the vertical position of the seedling and its binding to them. By following these steps, you can fill the well with the prepared potting mix. Finally, it is necessary to slightly seal it.

It is recommended to use as a planting substrate a mixture of the following components:

  • leafy land;
  • humus;
  • sand.

These substances are taken in a ratio of 1: 2: 1.

When all the planting operations for the ash seedling are completed, the near-stem circle must be covered with mulch: it can be peat, sawdust or wood chips. It is recommended to place large plants no closer than 5 m from each other. If among the planting material you have seedlings of low-growing varieties, then they must be placed in such a way that adult specimens do not create a shadow for each other.

After a while you will have planting material in the form of a growth... In the process of development, the tree forms an anchor root system, which is located in a lying position horizontally. Over time, the main roots acquire vertical shoots, which are the basis for the formation of young growth. Therefore, having once planted an ash tree in the country, you will always have your own planting material.

Ash care

How to plant ash in the yardIf you plant young ash trees in fertile soil, they will quickly increase in size and literally in a year will become 30-40 cm taller. At the same time, they do not require special care.

Since new branches form very quickly in young ash, pruning can be carried out in relation to it, giving the crown the necessary shape. It is advisable to do this in the spring before flowering. However, even when holding this event, you need to know the measure, since too frequent pruning can negatively affectbut the development of a tree. It is quite another matter if you have to remove dry and broken branches.

Make sure that the ash seedlings are provided with all the necessary nutrients. To do this, in the spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers must be applied to the soil:

  • manure - 2 kg;
  • urea - 15 gr.;
  • calcium and ammonium nitrate - 25 gr. for 20 liters of water.

In the fall, use nitroammofoska (20 grams per 20 liters of water) or kemiru station wagon in the same proportion.

Preparing young trees for winter requires mulching... They will need this operation only for the first 2-3 years. Adult specimens usually tolerate frosts easily, unless, of course, weather forecasters promise an unusually cold winter. However, a solution can also be found in this situation, since there are special varieties that easily tolerate frosts down to -40 degrees Celsius.

Ash experiences the need for moisture during periods of drought, as well as immediately after planting. At the same time, he feels great if you do not water for several days.

Ash tree diseases

Ash careMost often, ash trees strike hay bastard (insect pest) or bast beetle (bark beetle). In this case, the fight against them is carried out using drugs such as kinmix, warbofos or karbofos. Ash needs to be processed with them 2-3 times. Sometimes you will notice how individual branches on the tree begin to rot. In this case, you need to remove the damaged areas with a sharp knife, and treat the wounds with activated carbon. That being said, you definitely need to understand why this happened. Possible reasons include increased soil moisture or frequent fertilization.


Our ancestors were very familiar with such a plant as ash, since it was he who they often planted next to their house. If you want to enjoy the view of this tree, for example, at your summer cottage, then for this you will only need to get seeds or seedlings of a tree. However, keep in mind that it is possible to ensure a high survival rate of ash seedlings only if they are planted in a well-lit area where there is fertile soil... You also need to make sure that the plants are placed at an optimal distance from each other. Otherwise, due to a lack of lighting, some plants will not be able to form a sufficiently lush crown.

Ash tree
Ash tree of PennsylvaniaAsh tree: descriptionCommon ashAsh tree descriptionHow ash growsHow to care for an ash treeYellowed ash leavesHow can an ash tree be propagatedClear tree

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