How an avocado tree grows at home, the principle of growth

The avocado tree was familiar to man thousands of years ago, but then it caused only consumer alertness, due to its pear-shaped fruits and unique taste characteristics. Nowadays, no one will be surprised if they see a growing tree in a summer cottage or a windowsill. In the distant past, avocados were considered to be something special and valuable.

The beneficial qualities of avocado fruit

List of beneficial properties of avocado fruitsThe avocado tree translates as "alligator pear" due to the special similarity of the fruits of both plants. It is possible that earlier they were united by one ancestor. But through individual ecological or climatic changes in the regions where plants spread, they were forced to evolve and acquire new properties.

In the modern world, avocados are often compared to the well-known pear in our area. Finding similarities between both trees is easy. Just look at the photo and compare the external features.

Today the plant is used in various spheres of human life. Among them:

  1. Cooking.
  2. Cosmetology.
  3. Medicine and others.

The avocado plant is widely used not only in the culinary industry. It is also used as effective medicine for the treatment and prevention of the most common health problems.

It is especially effective in the fight against diseases of the digestive and circulatory systems. Plant oil - real medical value, because it is involved in the creation of powerful drugs and cosmetic products.

It is no secret that the healing properties of an avocado directly depend on many characteristics of the tree itself, including its age and geographical features that affect the growth process.

Many scientists are working hard to study all of these subtleties in order to achieve maximum efficiency in growing and using avocados.

Contraindications for improper use of the plant

Peculiarities of buying and eating avocadosIt is worth remembering that misuse of avocados can seriously harm your health. The fact is that the fruit bone contains many harmful substances and toxins.

With prolonged storage in store counters or warehouses, these substances can get directly into the fetus, and then into the human body, which, in turn, will lead to health problems.

To avoid buying low-quality fruits, it is worth considering in advance such a factor as their appearance. The main guarantee of high quality is firm and smooth skinwithout noticeable irregularities.

Ripe fruits return to their original appearance even after light pressing. But even if the avocado is slightly firm, don't despair. Leave it on for a few days and it will ripen at home.

Growing from a bone

The nuances of growing an avocado tree at homeIt is no secret that the fruit bone, due to its rich composition and size, makes up 50% of the weight of the entire fruit. It turns out that when we buy we get only half of the edible product, but what to do with the rest?

It turns out that the seed of the fruit can serve for the rapid and efficient growth of a plant on its own. Basically, the process of growing a tree on a windowsill is not too complicated. The plant is not particularly whimsical, so it will grow even in your home.

For proper fruit growing you need ripe avocado bone... From immature seeds, you are unlikely to be able to grow a full and healthy tree. Remove the brown skin from the pit.

After that, you need to move the bone in a glass of water about half. Use toothpicks for this, which need to be inserted into the pre-drilled holes. A photo of growing an avocado from a seed can be found in the public domain.

If this seems like a daunting task to you, simply place the bone vertically in a glass and fill it halfway with water. Now all that remains is to wait, and it may take a very long time.

Sometimes, in order for the first green shoots to appear from the seed, it takes three weeks, and even three months. It all depends on the light conditions and temperature indicators.

Conditions for good avocado growth

Description of the conditions for good avocado growth at homeThe natural environment in which avocado trees grow - subtropical and tropical forests... In other regions of the planet, fruits can be found on the shelves of shops or supermarkets.

But growing an avocado tree in very arid or cold climates is very difficult, so the only solution for our country is home cultivation.

If you learn all the intricacies of plant growth and look at the photo of the care instructions, it is quite possible that in a few months you will be able to harvest your own mini-crop.

A prerequisite for comfortable and proper plant care is optimal temperature indicators and stable watering with clean water at room temperature. Before you start growing this plant yourself at home, you need to take into account many nuances and features.

Basically, three basic conditions are necessary for the healthy growth of a tree:

  • stable watering;
  • room temperature;
  • lack of drafts.
Avocado tree in nature and at home
Characteristics of the growth of the avocado treeExpert advice on how to grow an avocado tree on your siteCaring for your avocado plant at homeDescription of avocado fruitInstructions for growing an avocado tree at home

Consult with an experienced agronomist, and also try to monitor and record all changes in the growth of the tree at regular intervals. This will help to grow a prolific sapling that will yield a good harvest.

It is worth noting that due to excessive care of the plant, even a few seconds of a piercing and damp wind can lead to inevitable death. Therefore, an accidentally open window can decide the further fate of your tree.

Basically high-quality and proper care homemade avocado is the main condition for its normal growth.

To grow a healthy and prolific avocado plant that will not undergo changes due to careless home care, you must become familiar with its growth characteristics in the natural world.

If you recreate at least close to the natural environment, then the final result will meet all expectations. The avocado tree will grow healthy and fruitful, and the yield will pleasantly surprise you. Do not forget to see photos of growing homemade avocados from experienced gardeners.

Culinary uses of avocado

Ways to use avocado fruit in cookingIt is no secret that the most delicious culinary masterpieces are prepared from avocado fruits. And in order to produce such a dish on your own, you do not need to know special cooking tricks. And if you just add fruits to your daily meals, it will give them a special taste and aroma. In addition, avocado is actively used for serving and decorating the table.

Avocado paste is especially popular. Making such a sauce is quite simple. There are many instructions, photos and recipes on the Internet, so cooking will not be difficult or difficult for you.

In the end, it remains to add that growing avocados at home is a great way to ensure yourself a quality mini-crop throughout the year.

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    1. AvatarStery Thepraisilian

      Thank! Useful article.

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