How to plant a pear in spring

How and when to plant a treeGrafting a pear is one of the most challenging and, at the time, interesting techniques in modern gardening. Subject to the necessary rules, the procedure will allow you to grow a healthy, fertile tree in the shortest possible time.

When vaccinating a pear, the gardener must adhere to the established rules and know a number of features, including the basic subtleties of biology. You also have to stock up on suitable tools and first familiarize yourself with all the subtleties of the action.

Grafting pears in spring can solve the problem of a small and tasteless harvest in a short time. That is why this technique is currently used by almost all gardeners.

To complete the pear grafting job as successfully as possible, you must read the expert manual and watch the videos you want.

Time to plant a tree

How to properly graft a treeThe question of how to properly graft a pear and when it can be done arises among novice summer residents and gardeners very often.

Naturally, the best time for grafting is spring. And this is not surprising, because it is in spring that trees are just beginning to bloom and buds are formed on them. But you can plant a tree at other times of the year. Cuttings for the procedure need to be prepared several months in advance, for example, in November. Keep them in a cool place at a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius.

But still, it is better to plant a pear in spring, because at this time each plant begins to let out juices, and the probability of successful completion of the procedure is very high. Wait for warming and stable weather before taking action. It is very good if it is warm enough outside, and there are no more night frosts. But on the chosen day, the weather should be just warm, not sunny or windy. If you were unable to successfully graft the pear the first time, try again.

Some gardeners are sure that autumn is considered the best time for such a reception. But in the fall, the temperature drops significantly, and nature does not please with warm weather. And possible frost and a decrease in temperature at night can lead to the death of cuttings and the vaccination will be doomed to failure.

The best self-fertile varieties of pears of different ripening periods:

With which cuttings can a tree be grafted?

It is necessary to graft young shoots only on a healthy tree, regardless of the selected plant with which the grafting will be carried out. According to experts, high chance of coalescence and yield is possible if the procedure uses the same tree varieties. If you want the tree to bear different fruits, the procedure requires some skill and knowledge. Nowadays, it is customary to plant a pear on an apple, quince or other trees. You can read the manual or watch the tutorial videos on grafting individual plants.

You can plant a pear on the following trees:

  1. How a pear is graftedQuince. Vaccination on Japanese quince it is considered the most popular and, perhaps, an effective solution, because in this case the tree will not reach large sizes, and the yield will be maximum. The fruits of the pear will receive a new, extraordinary taste, and the ripening time will be significantly reduced. You will be able to harvest much earlier than usual;
  2. Rowan. People learned to plant a pear on a mountain ash a long time ago.Although the procedure is not as popular as in the case of quince, the end result can still surprise every gardener. The main thing to remember is that in this case, the reception requires special care and skills. The thickness of the pear trunk exceeds the thickness of the mountain ash, and over time, a so-called influx may appear. And because of it, the strength of the tree is lost, and the overall life expectancy is reduced. But this method of grafting pears allows you to achieve high yields, at which the fruits of the tree will be tart, but very sweet and soft.
  3. Hawthorn. This type of pear grafting appeared relatively recently, but it has not gained worldwide popularity due to the low probability of accretion.
  4. Apple tree. One of the most popular and effective pear grafting methods, which you can talk about in more detail.

Pear variety Just Maria from Belarusian breeders:

How to plant a pear on an apple tree?

By the way, you can graft not only an apple on a pear, but also a pear on an apple. Both trees tolerate vaccinations well, because they are pome fruits.

Residents of the European part of our state should be vaccinated in the second half of April. Cuttings can be purchased at a gardening store or prepared in advance. The main thing is that their variety is fruitful and popular. You can take the blanks from familiar gardeners or summer residents. It is very good if cuttings cut from the south of the crown of an adult plant are used for grafting. The cuttings should be as thick as a pencil. Also, there should be about 4 already developed buds on the handle.

In case you cut the cuttings in the winter, be sure to place them in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf and keep there until spring. Make an oblique cut 10 hours before the procedure... Also, do not forget to soak the cut piece in the growth accelerator. When grafting a pear onto an apple tree, you should adhere to the following procedure:

  • Spring grafting of pear and apple treesUsing a garden knife, cut a 5 centimeters (1 inch) of the apple stalk at an oblique angle, then repeat the action with the pear stalk. Then rewind the two pieces tightly with construction tape. Just be careful. Try not to damage the cuttings with careless actions.
  • Remember to treat the scion and rootstock at the top with a garden solution to prevent dirt from getting inside the cuttings. The likelihood of fusion may depend on this.
  • If fruit trees are grafted with buds, it is necessary to make a T-shaped incision in the bark before the start of the wood and separate it from the bark.
  • On the second tree, make a so-called "shield", which is a bud with a piece of wood.
  • After that, the finished shield must be inserted into the cut, securely fixed and wrapped with electrical tape, having previously processed it with a solution.

You can only make sure that pear grafting is successful in a few weeks... After a certain time, remove the tape from the cuttings and make sure that they are firmly fused.

Winter-hardy and productive pear in Memory of Yakovlev:

It is worth remembering that sometimes it does not take root well with apple cuttings, so it would be wise to use other plants, or other varieties of pears. But if you follow the advice of experienced gardeners and take into account all the subtleties of such a procedure, pear grafting in the spring will be successful.

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