Pumilio mountain pine is one of the most common varieties of this plant, which is used by humans for decorative purposes. It is a small dwarf bush that has a crown spread over the ground, as it were.
Description of Pumilio pine
An evergreen shrub. Has a very dense crown. The needles are bright green in color with very stiff short needles (approximately 3.5-4 cm). in height, the mountain pine Pumilio grows no more than one and a half meters, but in breadth it grows up to 3 meters in diameter. Cone shaped cones, about 4 centimeters. Shoots spread along the ground, and branches grow very densely upwards from them.
Often this type of mountain pine is used in landscape design, since the plant is very unpretentious for growing.
Pumilio loves the sun very much, but at the same time tolerates frost perfectly. Drought is also not terrible for the plant. Soil for planting pine any can be used, even alkaline or acidic. The main condition is that there is a bright sun, the shrub will not take root in the shade. It grows very slowly.
In the wild, Pumilio is found in the mountainous regions of Central and Eastern Europe.
How to grow Pumilio on your garden plot?
The most important thing when planting a plant is to find a well-lit area. Do not pay attention to the soil. Bush can even grow in dunes... Environmental conditions, even the worst ones, do not have a detrimental effect on the shrub. A small amount of nutrients in the soil, the air polluted by cars and factories will in no way interfere with the growth of Pumilio.
When planting a plant, dig a hole of the required volume. If the soil is very acidic, add slaked lime to the hole.
Features of caring for Pumilio
- In order for the plant to take root well and delight you for many years, you should take good care of it and study some of the features in growing this shrub.
- In early spring, to awaken the bush, it must be sprayed. Watering at this time should be done with warm water. Then water the mountain pine as the soil dries up, avoiding excessive moisture.
- To fertilize the soil, use any coniferous plant mix available at your local hardware store.
- In case of heavy snowfalls in your area, mountain pine shoots should be tied tightly for the winter to prevent branch breakage.
- It is best to propagate an adult plant by cuttings or by grafting. Reproduction by seeds is possible, but such an shoot rarely takes root, and the varietal qualities of the mother plant may be lost.
- According to the rules, mountain pine Pumilio is watered 3 times per season, using about 20 liters of water.
- For the winter, it is best to cover the young plant with sawdust so that the plant does not die during severe frosts.
- Although the plant is very sun-loving, but for the first 2-3 years it should be protected from direct sunlight. Therefore, in the daytime it is recommended to cover the plant with a matting or spruce branches.
- With frequent rains and constant dampness, especially in the autumn. Experts advise treating the shrub with antifungal agents.
Advantages of Pumilio from other varieties of mountain pine
Most of the positive qualities of this type of mountain pine have already been discussed above, but they should be systematized.
Frost resistance.
- Growing in any soil.
- The ability to grow in any even gassed air.
- Wind resistance.
- She easily transfers a haircut, so you can create fancy shapes from the crown.
- Any beginner in landscape design can grow it.
Where to use the Pumilio pine?
From this ornamental shrub you can create absolutely any shapes in the interior of your garden. It is used both for covering the ground and for creating undergrowth. You can plant a pine tree on the banks of an artificial reservoir and in a rocky garden. A small plant can also be grown on the balcony in a beautiful pot, so Pumilio will decorate even your home decor.
In some cases, the Pumilio pine is grown on the roofs of houses, where it beautifully decorates the surface with its crown.
Popular types of mountain pine and their features
Mountain pine has a huge number of types, each of which is of interest. Let's consider the most popular ones.
Brevifolia. The crown is barrel-shaped.
- Winter Gold. Changes the color of its needles. It is golden in winter and bright green in summer.
- Dwarf. The crown reaches a height of no more than 2 meters and a diameter of about 2 meters.
- Pug. Globular shrub. Propagated by grafting. It reaches a height of about 1.5 meters.
- Mogus. This species is often confused with the Pumilio pine, as they are very similar in appearance. Propagated by cuttings and seeds.
Unpretentious evergreen bush Pumilio like both novice gardeners and professionals. Try growing this mountain pine on your property and its beauty will adorn your individually created landscape.
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