Aphids on indoor plants: how to deal with it at home?

If aphids appear on indoor plants, this causes them enormous damage. Their growth is suspended, the stem begins to bend, the buds cannot open, and the leaves roll, as a result of which beautiful plants acquire an ugly shape. These insects infect flowers without the right to restore, therefore, at the first sign of aphids, it is necessary to take drastic measures. Otherwise, houseplants die quickly.

In this article we will try to figure out what aphids are on indoor flowers, how to get rid of this pest at home?

Insect characteristic

Aphids that infest indoor plants are to the order of hemiptera insects... She feeds on plant sap. If a colony of these parasites settles on a flower, this significantly impairs the nutrition of its tissues and leaves, as a result of which it begins to weaken and wither.

This pest most often has a small size, not exceeding 2 - 3 mm in length. Depending on where it lives, this insect is green, white, yellow, pink and black.

Thanks to a special proboscis, aphids pierce the upper part of shoots and leaves. Feeding on the sap of plants that are rich in carbohydrates, the pests begin to secrete a large amount of sweet liquid (honeydew), which helps attract other insects. This delicacy is especially preferred by ants, which can create their own herds of "aphids" and begin to protect them, transfer them to new shoots, and even take them to their homes for the winter.

Each such colony of aphids has both winged and wingless insects. The winged species promotes the rapid spread of aphids on indoor plants, while wingless species reproduce by parthenogenesis, when the embryo develops without fertilization.

Reasons for the appearance

On indoor plants you can often find white aphids, a photo of which is presented in this article, but other species may also start. Pests inhabit stems, roots, leaves, and flowers.

This insect appears in various ways:

  • How to cure a violetif a new plant affected by a pest was purchased;
  • aphids can enter from the street through an open door or window from wild flowers;
  • it is also often brought into the house on clothes or other items;
  • a colony of aphids on plants can be settled by ants that feed on honeydew and carry these insects by colors.

Aphids on indoor plants are most often located along the shoots or on the underside of leaves, covering them almost completely. The affected leaves begin to wither gradually, curl and dry out. Except them, buds also die, not having time to blossom. Pests are clearly visible with the naked eye, so it is not difficult to determine why plants begin to die.

How to get rid of aphids on indoor flowers?

To cope with this pest at home and prevent its spread, simple methods and tools are used. In addition, timely preventive measures and the fight started in time make it possible to grow strong and healthy indoor flowers.

Use of chemicals

You can get rid of the pest at home with the help of poisonous liquids.These products are mild and contain pesticides and insecticides that do not harm the environment. These drugs are used quite often, the composition of which is represented by components such as fatty acids or vegetable oils.

If a pest has infected a small area of ​​a houseplant, it must be carefully removed. This does not cause any damage to it, and the intact part is wiped with soapy water.

If aphids have spread very much, to get rid of them at home use the following insecticides:

  • Aphids on a leaf of a plantAktara;
  • Confidor;
  • Actarin;
  • Actellik;
  • Agravertine;
  • Kinmix;
  • Fitoverma.

There are other drugs for getting rid of such a pest, the main thing is adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Chemicals should be applied to every indoor plant, whether it has aphids on it or not. This is explained by the fact that after treatment, pests can return to the flower. Therefore, after the cleaning procedure for all plants without exception, the chances of the spread of these pests are zero.
  • Aphids quickly adapt to insecticides. She gets used to many drugs and adapts to their action. Therefore, they need to be changed periodically.

Use of biological agents

This method of getting rid of aphids at home involves the colonization of indoor plants with insects that feed on aphids. It can be ladybugs, lacewings, some types of wasps.

This method of struggle involves a lot of effort, since for this you need to purchase additional flowers that will attract the attention of these useful creatures. Only in this case will they be able to take root and rid indoor plants from pests.

If there are a lot of flowers, then it is best to protect them with parasitic entomophages: predatory gall midge, lisiflebus, aphidius.

Ecological methods of struggle

Many growers prefer to get rid of pests at home using ecological methods, considering them the safest. In this case flowers are washed with soapy waterand also rinsed regularly in the shower. If there are not too many of these insects, then the most affected plant areas are pruned.

Oil-based preparations are also used, which do not pose any danger to humans. Spraying with these agents is carried out in such a way that the surface of the leaves is covered with a film. They are used with caution in the growth zone of buds and flowers, because when oil products get on them, they begin to stick together, after which they begin to wither.

Florists often put a fragrant indoor pelargonium near an infected flower, which can scare off aphids. As a result, the pest will disappear in a few days.

Preventive measures

How to remove aphidsSince aphids can spread very quickly, the main preventive measure is constant monitoring of indoor plants and their inspection to identify the pest as early as possible. Newly acquired flowers should be quarantined for a week.

It should be remembered that the pest loves warm and dry air, so you should not create such favorable conditions for it. If only a few individuals are found, urgent action should still be taken to get rid of them.

For the treatment of plants from insects, it has been developed a large amount of pesticides, but using them at home is strictly prohibited, because they are toxic to both animals and humans. It is best to get rid of the pest with proven folk remedies that will not cause any harm to the owners of the home and their pets.

Thus, we have figured out what aphid is, a photo of which can be seen in the article. It multiplies very quickly, so preventive examinations are required. It is necessary to fight it and the sooner this is done, the better.Otherwise, such a pest is capable of destroying any indoor plants.

Aphids on indoor plants
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