Why does spathiphyllum release only leaves and does not bloom?

Spathiphyllum is considered a very common and favorite plant. It can be seen in almost every home. In common people, the flower is called "female happiness." According to popular belief, he brings happiness to every woman's house. Obviously for this reason, many women have such a flower and are looking forward to when it blooms. According to legends, with the appearance of flowers on the spathiphyllum, the hostess of the house is considered a happy woman. What to do for those women whose plant does not bloom, and how do you know why? What to do to finally bloom spathiphyllum?

Spathiphyllum and its varieties

This flower is considered an evergreen and belongs to the Aroid family. Exists almost 45 types of spathiphyllum... Some species can grow small, while others grow large. Those species that most often grow at home grow to a maximum height of up to 40 cm.

The flower has a medium-sized stem, on which smooth, rounded bright green leaves are located. The flowers of the plant appear as white and cream-colored cobs surrounded by a white or greenish petal. This single petal on a thin stem looks very delicate. Its appearance is very feminine, which is why it got the name spathiphyllum, which translated from Greek means “veil” and “leaf”. If you look closely at the inflorescence, then it really looks like an elegant white veil.

Most popular for home cultivation several types are considered:

  • charming;
  • profusely blooming;
  • spoon-shaped;
  • canniferous.

The flower is easy to care for and it blooms only twice a year. This usually happens in the spring and fall. In order for it to develop well, it must be placed in a small pot. It needs to be transplanted when the roots in the old container become cramped.

Why doesn't spathiphyllum bloom?

Blooming spatiffilumThe duration of flowering and the abundance of inflorescences will depend on the proper care of the spathiphyllum. The flowering period of this plant starts in the middle of spring and continues until late autumn. With the beginning of the winter season, the flower begins a period of rest and rest.

The flower loves warmth, so it is advisable to create comfortable conditions for it for good development with an optimal temperature of 22-23aboutC. If the room temperature is below +18aboutC, spathiphyllum will suffer and grow poorly., The leaves will begin to turn yellow. When a flower regularly throws out flowers, a caring mistress has nothing to worry about. But what to do when the plant only throws out leaves and does not bloom, and how to make spathiphyllum bloom?

If the plant does not emit buds for a long time, then there are reasons for that. May affect flowering the following main factors:

  • The flower does not like spacious pots, its roots should closely braid it and if this does not happen, the buds will not appear.
  • You cannot put the pot in direct sunlight, but you need to choose a place with good lighting.
  • The plant is afraid of drafts and air conditioners, for this reason the leaves turn yellow.
  • Spathiphyllum does not respond well to abundant watering. Its leaves begin to cover brown spots and gradually the foliage dries.
  • If the air is too dry in the room and there is insufficient watering, the plant will also not bloom. The moisture level is increased by spraying with a spray bottle.With insufficient moisture levels, the leaves begin to turn yellow.
  • The flower needs nitrogenous and phosphorus fertilizers, with a lack of them, it develops poorly. The lack of feeding is also indicated by yellowness on the deciduous mass.
  • A plant that is too old will also not please with flowering. He needs to be seated.
  • Flowering is influenced by pests and diseases that can appear due to improper care.

Secrets and subtleties of home care

There are many different nuances of spathiphyllum care. Knowing the features of growing a flower, you can achieve regular flowering, the plant will have a healthy and attractive appearance.

  • The subtleties of caring for spatiffilumThe temperature regime is one of the main conditions for good development and abundant flowering. When the temperature drops below +18aboutC, the plant freezes and can die at +10aboutFROM.
  • Abundant watering spathiphyllum is necessary only in spring and autumn. During the rest of the year, the plant needs limited moisture. By the top layer of the soil, you can easily determine whether to water or not. Moisture is needed when the top layer is dry.
  • In early spring and before autumn, it is advisable to apply mineral fertilizers of low concentration. They will provide a breeding ground for the plant.
  • If the flower pot is in the shade, its leaves will stretch, but the inflorescences will not appear. For him, the north side of the room is better suited, only without drafts.
  • Transplant the flower as needed. This can be seen by its root system. If it gets cramped in an old pot, then it's time to replace the pot or divide the rhizome.

Preparing for transplant special soil composition of equal parts:

  • sheet part;
  • sod part;
  • sand;
  • peat.

Transplanting must be done carefully so that the root system of the flower does not suffer. After planting, the plant needs frequent watering and spraying. Adequate grooming and normal conditions will promote good growth.

Most of all, spathiphyllum suffers from pests such as spider mites, scale insects and aphids... They are the most dangerous for a houseplant.

Few housewives know a simple secret - it is better to remove the old leaves of the plant by cutting them off so that new and healthy shoots can quickly form and give buds.

The basic rules for caring for this delicate flower will help the plant bloom for a long time. Only under comfortable conditions will "female happiness" bloom, make it possible to enjoy the magnificent white color and feel happy.

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