Treatment of trees from pests and diseases in spring

Spraying treesYou can count on a high yield only if you take care of the garden properly. Therefore, owners who are aware of this process the garden every year. The success of this event depends on the quality of its holding in the spring. Indeed, it is at this moment that it is decided whether the plantings will be well protected from pests and diseases.

When the spring warmth begins to be felt in the air, many have a desire to be closer to nature. At these moments, the soul wants to enjoy the variety of colors that various plantings in summer cottages give us. And to bring this moment closer, gardeners are trying to more carefully prepare the garden before the start of fruiting.

To determine the amount of work to be done, first of all need to see the garden... Based on its results, it will be clear what will have to be done. After a long and cold winter, many damaged branches are bound to appear, which must be removed. However, the spring processing of the garden is not limited only to this, because it also includes a lot of other important measures that are designed to ensure the protection of plantings from pests and diseases.

Why and when is the best time to process the garden?

Garden careAny sane person strives to have only the freshest, natural berries and fruits on his table. To achieve this goal, many owners work from morning to evening on their plots in order to get a good harvest at the end of the season. However, this is not such an easy job as it might seem at first glance. Every spring summer residents have to fight many different parasites and diseases that, if left unchecked, can invade everything.

To reduce the harm that diseases and pests can cause, many summer residents use chemical and organic methods to combat them. However, the end result is largely determined by the gardener's experience. This in turn determines what the harvest will be like at the end of the season. The effectiveness of all planned works can only be improved if they are carried out at the right time. Therefore, as soon as the last cold weather has passed and fruit ovaries begin to form on the trees, you need to immediately start working.

Stages of garden processing in spring

If you trust the experience of experienced summer residents, then it is better to process the garden before 10 o'clock or after sunset - after about 6 hours. This choice is not accidental, since it is during these hours that the activity of the sun is minimal, and therefore the risk of burns by leaves is extremely low. Within the framework of the spring processing of the garden, the following main stages can be distinguished:

  • in early spring;
  • before bud break;
  • before and after flowering;
  • during the formation of ovaries.

Spraying the garden in early spring

Processing trees in springOne of the traditional gardening activities is whitewashing tree trunks. However, it is better to carry it out before the cold weather.Therefore, it is recommended to plan it in the fall. As a result of this operation, you can protect trees from damage by rodents, therefore, the remaining intact bark will not crack as a result of the frost wind. In the spring, you will only need to inspect it in order to understand whether it has endured the winter well, and to correct it if the need arises.

The first processing of the garden must be carried out in the first of March, while the buds have not yet begun to bloom. After waiting for the snow to melt, you can prepare the plantings for processing. To do this, they tidy up the territory of the summer cottage, remove insulation from protected boles, as well as branches that have not survived the winter. After that, spring treatment is carried out to protect trees and shrubs from insects.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to inspect tree trunks and remove detected fungi from the surface. After that on the bark lime mortar is applied... The cooking process will look like this:

  • you need to take 2 kg of lime and mix it with 10 liters of water;
  • then 1 kg of clay and 330-350 g of copper sulfate must be added to this mixture;
  • all components must be thoroughly mixed until smooth;
  • the solution is now ready and can be worn on the trunks and base of the branches.

As a result of such treatment, eggs and larvae of insects, which can often be found on the bark and cracks of the trunk, will be removed.

However, today more modern and effective preparations are available to gardeners. Although they cost a little more, they can be used to process trees much faster and with less labor, without letting insects do much harm to the plantings. Many of them contain a fungicide that increases the resistance of the plantings to many diseases. Similar properties are possessed by the following means:

  • acrylic whitewash;
  • acrylic paints;
  • lime pastes containing copper sulfate.

Not only copper sulfate, but also diesel fuel can help protect trees and shrubs from pests. After processing the plantings, a protective oily film will appear on them, which can protect trees and shrubs from annoying insects. If insects try to lay larvae and eggs on trunks and branches, they will die under a ball of diesel fuel. In this case, all open peduncles and blossoming leaves will remain safe and sound.

Spring gardening before bud break

What means are trees processedNext comes the next stage - fruit tree processing before the kidneys awaken. The main goal of these activities is to prevent insects that hatch from the larvae, as well as pathogens of various diseases, from infecting trees and shrubs. The greatest harm to the garden can be caused by diseases such as: scab, black cancer, coccomycosis, etc.

To help protect the garden from pathogens and parasite larvae, special insecticide chemicals that are created for such treatment will help. Most often, the following means are used for these purposes: Aktara, Calypso, Avant, Lannat, etc.

However, regardless of whether you intend to use copper sulfate or another modern drug, it is recommended to read the instructions for use before using it. The fact is that in stores there are drugs that are initially designed to process only certain types of fruit trees. In order for such a treatment to meet your expectations, you can carry it out with a solution of insecticides and contact fungicides. The effectiveness of this event will increase many times over, since it will help not only to save the planting from pests and diseases, but also to prevent their occurrence in the future.

If you want to minimize the harm that will help your plantings from chemical treatments, you can use a safer mixture prepared based on herbs, tobacco and orange peel... The process of its preparation is as follows:

  • a 3-liter can is taken and filled with 200 g of shredded tobacco;
  • then you need to put a handful of garlic husks and the same amount of onions, pine needles and orange peels there;
  • after that, water heated to 70 degrees is poured into this mixture;
  • the jar needs to be hermetically sealed and find a warm place for it where it should stand for a week;
  • when the time comes, the finished tincture must be diluted with warm water in an amount of 10 liters;
  • then the composition must be thoroughly mixed and added in small parts 100 g of crushed tar soap;
  • the product is now ready and can be used to treat the garden. If necessary, it can be repeated after 10-12 days. However, this can only be done before flowering.

Treating the garden in spring before and during the flowering process

How to properly process treesIt is possible to process shrub trees until the buds begin to bloom. This will help not only prevent them from being harmed by the caterpillars of the apple moth, but also reduce the risk of scab and spotting... To prepare the solution, you can use "Carbofox". To do this, take 70 g of the drug and dilute in 10 liters of water at room temperature. However, if trees and shrubs have already begun to bloom, then such processing cannot be done.

Re-processing of fruit trees can be carried out at the end of the flowering period. It is necessary to reduce the likelihood of infection of trees and shrubs in the next season, as well as increase plant resistance to diseases.

Usually, the inflorescences bloom at the moment when ticks appear that have successfully survived the winter. Dealing with them can help colloidal sulfur: to prepare the solution, you need to take 80 grams of 70% of the drug and dilute in 10 liters of soapy water. It is very important that this treatment is carried out in a timely manner, otherwise, as a result of the infestation of ticks, all your crops will be affected.

Spring processing of the garden from pests and diseases during the appearance of ovaries

During the final stage of spring processing, the main task that must be solved is to protect the fruits of the new crop from putrefactive diseases and pests that have managed to survive. However, first it is recommended to inspect the plantings to determine if there are visible enemies on trees and shrubs. After all, if you use chemicals that have a strong effect, then in addition to destroying insects, you can cause significant harm to the ovaries.

As a preparation for spraying fruit trees, the choice can be stopped at copper oxychloride, Bordeaux liquid, carbamide... It is also allowed to use combined preparations that have a universal scope of application. However, it is necessary to carry out processing at optimum air humidity. Otherwise, there is a possibility that after spraying the leaves will receive serious burns.

Helpful advice from experienced gardeners

Gardening tipsSpring gardening does not imply strict rules for its implementation. However, there are important nuances, taking into account which you can most effectively do this work.

Spraying procedure... If you want to completely destroy pests and diseases, then you should treat every part of trees and bushes with a working solution, for example, copper sulfate. Usually this work begins with the crown, then they move on to the branches, and in the end they process the trunk and soil in the root zone.

Time and conditions of work... It is best to do spring gardening in the early morning. It is advisable to choose a dry, windless day for this work, during which precipitation is not expected. In this case, after processing, the solution will be able to be absorbed immediately and will act quickly. As a result, you will be sure that the leaves and inflorescences will not suffer.

Calculation of the amount of solution... Spring gardening results can vary.If it is important for you not only to destroy pests and diseases, but also not to harm trees and shrubs, then you need to correctly determine the consumption rate of the drug. You can find out if you look at the instructions for a particular tool. Knowing this, it will be easy for you to understand how much of these or those chemicals will be required.

  • it takes about 1.5 liters of solution to process one young tree;
  • for an adult - 5.5 liters.

For spraying the bushes, a different amount of solution may be required - from 0.6 to 1.5 liters. It is possible to say more precisely how much liquid is required, knowing the dimensions of the crown.


Experienced gardeners know how to get a good harvest. For this they regularly cultivate the garden. Moreover, they begin to engage in this business in the spring. The importance of this event is difficult to overestimate, because it directly depends on how well trees and shrubs will be protected from pests and diseases. Knowing what kind of drugs and when it is better to use, even a novice summer resident can count on the fact that at the end of the season the garden will endow him with many tasty and healthy fruits.

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