How to save a fern with stained leaves

The most famous legend about the fern says that by picking a mythical flower of a plant on the night of Ivan Kupala's holiday, you can get the gift of clairvoyance. In addition to fairy tales, the flower has unpretentious care. But even with proper care, the fern will not always grow well if some conditions are not met.

Remove from radiator

Of the variety of fern species, nephrolepis has become the most popular, which has a beautiful, lush crown that can additionally decorate any interior. It is extremely undesirable to place a fern next to a heating battery, because soon the leaves will become covered with brown spots and begin to fall off, and the plant will die.

Shadow creation

In natural conditions, the fern grows in the shade of trees, but loves light partial shade. At home, when placing a plant, windows with an east and west position are preferable.

Indoor fern is not a small plant, so it will be cramped on the windowsill. The flower will look good near the window on a stand. The place should be bright, but without direct sunlight.

In diffused sunlight, the plant will feel most comfortable. In late autumn and winter, the flower must be provided with a daylight length of 8-9 hours and rearranged to the windows facing the south, or installed backlighting with artificial lighting.

Spraying and abundant watering

When moistening indoor fern, you should follow the rule of moderate watering. The plant is hygrophilous, but it cannot be watered abundantly, as well as overdried. The soil must be constantly moist.

It is better to water the fern when the top layer of the earth dries up a little. To check the moisture level of the soil, you need to put your fingers on the ground, and if lumps of soil stick to the pads of the fingers, then the ground is moist enough, if not, then watering is required.

To prevent the soil from drying out, decorative pebbles can be laid out on the top layer. For irrigation, the best water is rain or melt, but settled water at room temperature from the mains is also suitable.

Optimal watering regime:

  • in summer - after 3 days;
  • in winter - every 7 days.

Especially plentiful watering is necessary during vegetative growth, in spring and summer. Young shoots, even with slight overdrying, can die. The irrigation scheme can vary depending on the temperature, it should be within 15-22 ° С.

Spraying the plant regularly is a prerequisite for growing a home fern. The frequency of this procedure depends on the temperature and humidity of the air.

Spraying should be daily, especially during the winter heating season, when the air is dry by heating devices, and ventilation does not occur very often. The recommended spray water temperature is slightly above room temperature.

The air humidity can be increased by placing the plant pots on pallets of damp sand, peat or expanded clay.

The fern is very popular as a home decorative flower. Attention, care and regular inspection will help to avoid many problems, and the greenery of the lush crown of nephrolepis will adorn any interior.

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