What to do with an unfamiliar plant that you just received

A gift in the form of a flower in a pot pleases the eye. I really want him to preserve his beauty and live in the house for a long time. To do this, it is necessary to determine as soon as possible what kind of plant it is and how to care for it.

Try to determine the name

There are several ways that will allow you to determine the name by the appearance of the plant and understand how to properly organize the care.

The first option is floriculture encyclopedias. From the photographs in the book, you can find your copy with a detailed description. The minus of the printed edition is the absence of new plant species.

You can determine the main features of the flower and use the Internet. The network offers a variety of indoor and wild plant sites with photos and a growing guide.

Information on sites-determinants is searched in several ways:

  1. Find a photo of the plant that is most similar to your version and read the description.
  2. Take a high-quality photo yourself, send it to the site-identifier and get an answer with the title.
  3. Search the search bar for options based on external characteristics.

Another way is to send a photo of your flower to the florist forum. Knowledgeable people will definitely prompt.

If the above methods do not work, you should seek help in a flower shop. After examining the range of store shelves, you can find the same plant. If you show the picture to the seller, you can consult and find out the name.

Home flowers quarantine

The name is there, the tips for growing and care have been studied, but it would be a mistake to immediately put a new flower pot with houseplants. The appearance of a new green inhabitant in an apartment requires quarantine, since the flower can be damaged by pests and diseases. Many of them are often dormant and not visually observed. The new flowerpot is placed in a separate room, on the balcony or in another room. If this is not possible, then they organize a fence in the form of a box, a package, a deep stand. For a while, they observe the condition of leaves, flowers, soil. If insects and diseases do not appear, then you can add the flower to your home collection.

Inspection for pests

Before isolating a plant from existing ones, it must be carefully examined for the presence of visible painful symptoms and pests. All parts should look healthy: buds and flowers - bright, stems and leaves - firm, without stains, mold and damage. It is important to look under the leaves. Parasites often hide there. For this, it is convenient to use a magnifying glass. On the surface of the ground, there should also be no mold, white bloom, rot, insects.


With a new plant transplant, it is better to wait 2-4 weeks or postpone until the end of flowering. A living organism must adapt to new conditions, survive quarantine. If the plant is donated in autumn or winter, then the optimal time for transplanting will be early spring, a time of vigorous growth. Favorable conditions will help addiction: comfortable temperature, lighting, humidity. During this time, the green pet will get stronger.

Any movement is stressful for indoor crops, and replanting, even the most careful, injures the roots. Despite the fact that the transport soil is a landless mixture, it does not harm the flower.Before selling, the soil is saturated with useful substances, which are enough for the plant for several months.

Determining the name of the flower is the first and important step towards growing indoor plants. It will not be difficult to follow the simple rules of caring for a new green resident at first. In return, it will give a good mood, give comfort and beauty to the room.

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